
  • Serves 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients


The red roses are out on display and the giant teddies ready to fill many a Valentine’s Day delivery – the season of all things love is in full swing. So is there any truth to the commonly held belief that certain foods can help to get you in the mood?

It is the special omega 3 fats found in particularly high quantities in deep sea oily fish including salmon that is associated with boosting sexual performance and drive long term. In addition, it is these good fats that are also involved in hormone production, including the sex hormones which play powerful roles in regulating our sex drive. I recommend a fresh Tasmanian Atlantic Smoked Salmon, such as Tassal, which will give you a full flavour to help give you that extra boost!

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 150g TASSAL Hot Smoked Salmon Cracked Peppercorn
  • 150g TASSAL Smoked Tassie Salmon
  • 1/2 cup Creme fraiche or sour cream
  • 1 tsp Chopped dill
  • Wedge Camembert cheese, room temperature
  • Wedge Cloth matured cheddar cheese, at room temperature
  • Small bowl Beetroot relish
  • Baby pimentos filled with cream cheese
  • Bunch baby radishes
  • Bunch semi-dried muscatel grapes
  • 1 Sourdough baguette, sliced into thin rounds


  1. Combine creme fraiche and dill in a small bowl and season to taste with freshly ground black pepper and salt. Transfer to a small serving dish and place on the serving board.
  2. Arrange TASSAL Hot Smoked Salmon and slices of TASSAL Smoked Salmon on the serving board together with the cheeses and accompanying ingredients.
  3. Serve with slices of sourdough baguette or your choice of crackers.

This recipe is shared and powered by mom.Connect

  • Salmon and dill is a match made in heaven wowww love it


  • Love tinned salmon but not fresh….go figure


  • Love a good platter and this one looks really nice and special :)


  • Love this combination of antipasto, I would enjoy this any day of the week for a meal!


  • Love this delicious recipe for entertaining!


  • Great assorted plate, smaller portion works as a dinner for me.


  • This would be a great serving board for Mother’s Day too – especially if one is isolation – don’t open the packets – just take to the front door with lots of love.


  • Boards are all the rage always good to have a couple of interesting alternatives like this


  • Promoting tassie products, I like like like! Being a recent convert to salmon, for years I thought I didn’t like it, I will definitely be making this. Love an anti pasto platter


  • I think I might do this in liu of a birthday cake for my husband this year! – he will love it


  • I love smoked salmon. This looks delicious.


  • Oh yummy!


  • Love smoked salmon thanks for sharing


  • looks very cool


  • This is making my mouth water


  • Looks so good


  • Classic flavours that stand the test of time. Delicious.


  • Love smoked salmon


  • OMG, this sounds awesome. I would have to make and eat all to myself as noone in my home likes salmon.


  • No fish for me thanks


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