

A video showing a baby being rocked to sleep in a “robot cot” has sparked a fierce debate online.

Parents are conflicted over the Snoo Smart Sleeper, which was created by Dr. Harvey Karp.

In the video, which was posted to the Facebook page ‘In The Know Innovation’, the baby can be seen wrapped in a swaddle, being rocked to sleep by the cot.

Some people think the cot is a genius invention, others don’t agree

“How incredibly sad. Mothers need to spend their time bonding,” one woman wrote on the Facebook comments.

“This is vile and disgusting! Why would you want to literally pin your baby down and shake them to sleep!? Not only that…it’s your child! Don’t be so lazy, cuddle your child when they cry and get them off to sleep yourself no matter how long it takes. It’s your job as a parent,” another woman wrote.

A commenter wrote: “These parents don’t even want to “parent” anymore…just another thing so they can sit on their phones and not have to interact with their child. I feel so sorry for the next generation.”

“In  our modern times, we need to reconnect ORGANICALLY with people…to promote healing, friendship, and bonds. A soothing machine takes that away from the beauty of human interaction.”

“I don’t believe babies are meant to be raised by machines. Every minute they are in here, they are missing out on physical touch which includes certain hormone production and positive neurological connections being made. Lack of positive bonding isn’t healthy for anyone and there are many who will abuse this product.”

“No….I’ll rock mine the good old fashioned way…in my arms, against me….this thing shakes their little heads too much plus who wants to restrain their baby like that? ”

“As a mother of 3, the ONLY time I’ve ever lost sleep was when my children are up sick at night(which is rare). You don’t need to buy a robot to care for your newborn. You snuggle your newborn. You rock your newborn. You co sleep with your newborn. You’ll never miss any sleep!”

“Sorry, as a paediatric nurse for 25 years, I think this is ridiculous! The babies are crying for a reason. Yes, they might go back to sleep initially, but they’ll wake up again soon after hungrier, wetter, more pooey, or covered in vomit.”

“The smart crib for lazy ass parents who cant pick up, cradle rock and love on their child. For the lazies who don’t learn to swaddle. Whatever happened to meeting our children’s needs ourselves?”

“Not normal. Please just pick up your baby and attend to their needs.”

Do you think it is a genius invention?

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  • Im in conflict ….it looks like it rocks a little too forcefully but would be awesome for those days where you have just had enough and need a break but not something I would have wanted to use all the time.


  • I loved rocking my babies when they were distressed, but seriously, we all need a break. Some mums have a harder time then others and would welcome this


  • I loved to cuddle and rock my babies (when they were distressed) in my arms.


  • Um, not a fan. That’s not rocking by the way, it’s vibrating and it looks way too fast. Much faster than I would pat or rock my child. The natural way worked for me, even through times of stress and duress and non-sleep, I would always opt for me.


  • No I don’t think it’s genius at all. Bub needs their mum to bond with.


  • I think people need to take things in context. If a parent was using this to be lazy because they wanted to watch TV or be on their phone, then yes, that would be wrong. However, I had a very difficult newborn in my son who would sometimes refuse to go back to sleep after we had literally done everything – feeding, cuddling, burping, etc, etc. and I can tell you in the early hours of the night there were a couple of nights where we just gave up and put wheeled him out of our room into another room just to get some sleep and he would go to sleep eventually on his own. I don’t see the problem in something like this so long as it’s not being used all the time. Plus, parents stating that they cuddle and rock their kids to sleep aren’t actually parenting in the way recommended by health professionals anyway. Babies should be put into their own cots/bassinets fully awake and then patted, etc. to sleep – this is how you teach self soothing which forms the backbone for good sleep routines as they get older. I can tell you I have done this with both of my kids aged 2 and 5 and they both go to sleep in their own beds without any dramas now after they’ve had a story read and they never wake in the night – they’ve been sleeping through since around 9-12 weeks old and they never sleep in our bed.


  • I think that this would be a great thing for disabled parents who can’t physically hold or rock their babies. Also for parents of multiples. why are so many people being so judgemental and accusing others of being lazy or selfish? Not everyone’s circumstances are the same. If this item is not for you, don’t use it.


  • I can understand how some parents could utilise this. If it was only used occasionally it would be acceptable but I’d still be sitting there watching the whole time. I don’t think I could leave my child in there without supervision because machines can malfunction.


  • Most all parents are loving, kind and caring, they too are not robots. A cradle to rock a child is helpful on nights where the mother is desparate for sleep, a cradle that rocks may also soothe the child enabling them to rest to sleep peacefully after a feed and cuddle. Stop the parent bashing, most are doing an amazing job, give them a break, parenting a baby is just dam hard work.


  • Not for me – prefer traditional ways!


  • I wouldn’t use it. Babies want to be held and feel secure.


  • I would totally want one! But obviously not use it all the time


  • I can see a need for this, but only occasionally … a baby needs to feel their mum x

    • It goes both ways – babies need parents and parents need their babies – cuddles, contact and nurturing are so important.


  • I can see both sides of the argument here. If the mum has tried everything then yes, if she just needs a break or has to deal with other kids then yes. All the time no


  • If it’s used just sporadically, I would be fine with it. But if it happens every night, well, no, not really.


  • I don’t like robots and think that babies need the love and warmth of their parents. However when you have a very busy household with many children, high need children or triplets or so, I can imagine that this can be helpful.


  • I’m not entirely comfortable, but there are some parents who need extra help.


  • Fantastic idea great for tired struggling mums.


  • Getting your kids to sleep is just part of the job of being a parent. It can be frustrating and difficult at times but babies need to see real emotions and love on their parents faces as they fall asleep.


  • Let’s create robot parents too maybe they will be more sensitive and have more love to give to these babies than they real parents


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