
46 Comment

SIDS and Kids is a charity that my husband and I proudly support.

Our business Plum is partners with SIDS and Kids and a percentage of Plum’s sales support SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping educational campaign.

Our partnership with SIDS and kids has been a rewarding initative and I would like to persuade more people to support this worthy charity either personally or by getting their workplace involved.

SIDS and Kids provides vital safe sleeping education to expectant mothers, their families and healthcare professionals all around Australia.

It also provides crucial bereavement support to those affected by the death of a baby or child, and receives 10,000 calls for support and education every year. The bereavement serivce also provides support for those who have had a miscarriage or stillborn baby.

Most people think SIDS and Kids is only dedicated to preventing SIDS but they do so much more. Since SIDS and Kids’ inception, over $16 million has been devoted into researching stillbirth, neonatal death as well as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and other causes that contribute to the 3,500 unexpected infant deaths that devastate Australian families each year.

I first remember becoming aware of SIDS and Kids about 20 years ago seeing so many cars on the streets that had a red noses on for Red Nose Day so this has encouraged me to buy everyone in my office a Red Nose for their cars because it is such a great way to get them message out their.

This year SIDS and Kids is doing something really special by encouraging everyone to be bold this Red Nose Day by participating in their new online fundraising initiative, Dare to Care.

Dare to Care is a unique fundraising experience.

Participants are invited to take on a personal challenge in order to help raise funds for this very worthy cause. Those who are keen to take on a dare may set up their own personalised fundraising page via which friends, family and colleagues are able to donate and add messages of support.

So long as dares are safe and fun, there are no limitations surrounding what kind of challenges may be attempted; everything from fitness goals to bungee jumping is highly encouraged!

Dani and Adam Nix from the Hunter Valley in NSW have already raised over $1,000, having challenged themselves to eat a piece of fruit every day. The couple explain on their personal Dare to Care webpage that their participation was motivated by the desire to give thanks to SIDS and Kids.

“We have decided to Dare to Care to help raise funds for SIDS and Kids Red Nose Day. We sadly lost our twin boys Heath William Nix and Hayden Asher Nix in 2013 from premature delivery related to an infection… SIDS and Kids Hunter Region has supported us so kindly. By doing this we are able to give back to SIDS so they can continue to support other families through their grief. As you can imagine grief can take its toll on your health so we have challenged ourselves to eat a piece of fruit a day to kick start ourselves back on a healthy lifestyle…Please support SIDS and Kids to help support family’s like us.”

Leanne Raven, CEO of SIDS and Kids says “The program is an opportunity for everyone to simultaneously achieve personal goals, while contributing to a greater cause.”

“Dare to Care is about challenging yourself, connecting with your own personal support network and having fun, all in the name of supporting a worthy cause and ultimately helping to save lives.

All funds raised via Dare to Care will contribute directly to SIDS and Kids continuing their lifesaving work including world class research, evidence based education, bereavement support and advocacy.

The current fundraising goal is $250,000.

All dares are encouraged to be undertaken on or before Red Nose Day, Friday 27 June.

For further information or to register, visit www.rednoseday.com.au

  • Such an important cause. I’m thankful for all the useful information they have put out to the public so we can make safe, informed decisions when preparing for our babies. I didn’t opt to have our son in a bassinet due to their criticism of them.


  • I didn’t realise Plum supported SIDS and Kids , that’s a really great initiative and it’s a great charity, so it’s wonderful Plum gives back by supporting charity.

    • hadn’t really heard of plum before though


  • Such a worthwhile cause.


  • All for a good cause. Red Nose Day always one of my favourite fundraiser.


  • Such a great cause. My little son saw the tin and was able to recognise that “it was for little babies who die in their sleep” he has such a big heart my little one.


  • Did you succeed?


  • Always been a supporter 🙂 Great cause


  • A cause that we should all care about and support in any way we can


  • A very special cause that needs to be supported


  • a cause we all should care about


  • I have always supported this great organisation. They do such amazing and crucial work.


  • always support Red nose day. 🙂 my son loves looking at all the different things they hav on display


  • I volunteered and sold Red Nose Day merchandise this year and it was such a positive experience. I also found out how many people in my local community had been touched by the sad situation that is SIDS 🙁 But the heartwarming conversations and very generous donations we received that day were amazing! If you have the time, volunteering for this cause is so rewarding.


  • Good luck. I buy every year. It’s almost an addiction now. 🙂


  • good luck I’m sure your goals will be achieved! I will be sure to purchase some merchandise when i see some available. Good luck again.


  • such a valuable cause to support


  • What a marvellous thing this couple are doing! I really admire them!


  • One year at work a whole group of us bought badges. A company representative. who came into work regularly was the Dad of twins. The smaller one of the two almost died at birth, then had to be resucitated on many occasions and be rushed to hospital on many occasions.
    He could easily had been a SIDS victim.


  • Great charity. So sad. I’ll be supporting for sure,


  • SIDS is such a sad tragic reality and the work of this charity is amazing in raising awareness and much needed funds for research!


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