

If you’re anything like me, your children (no matter how big or small) are always on the go! In and out, up and down and every which way!

I love that they’re so active; it’s so good for them! It keeps them fit, healthy, alert and connected to a wonderful world outside our home.  It also keeps them hungry.  No make that starving almost every waking moment.

Having been a Mum for over 18 years now, I’ve learnt that there is a definite art to ensuring your kids are eating well.  That the meals and snacks they are having are made up of simple, fresh ingredients.  I’ve realised that you’ll feel so much better about letting your children snack (and yourself) if the snacks you’re making are simple to put together and contain simple ingredients – ingredients you can pronounce but more importantly ingredients that you can find in your pantry at home.

I know life gets busy and I don’t profess to give my kids homemade snacks everyday.  In fact, I like having a stock of store bought biscuits and other snacks as back up in the pantry.  The one thing I do insist on though with these is that the ingredients must be good quality and as simple as the ingredients I’d use if I were making them at home. If my primary kids can’t read the ingredients, we don’t put it in the trolley!

If you find coming up with interesting ways to create Simple Snacks for Kids a little tricky, don’t despair.  We’ve had a peek around the MoM site and found some great ideas from our members.  We’ve also added in a few ideas of our own that are so simple, there’s no recipe required.

Freshly made blueberry smoothie topped with blueberries and a mint leaf with a stripey paper straw perfect simple snacks for kids

There’s nothing better than a freshly blended smoothie – one of our favourite Simple Snacks for Kids! Whatever fruit you have on hand, throw it all into your blender with a a handful of ice, a scoop of yoghurt, a tiny squeeze of honey and whizz away.  Better still, freeze your fruit beforehand and you’ll be showing off a very simple but very special Smoothie Bowl!

Banana Sushi made with a fresh wrap, spread with a little peanut butter and a whole banana inside. Roll up and then slice through to resemble sushi slices

This Banana Sushi was shared by one of our MoM Members a long while back but it continues to be one of the absolute all time favourite Simple Snacks for Kids.  Perfect for breakfast if your children aren’t into cereal, the ultimate play lunch and of course perfect for an ‘on the way out the door, can’t stop now Mum’ hand held snack (just leave the wrap and banana whole and don’t slice through). Banana Sushi Recipe.

Freshly made popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon and icing sugar served in a blue bowl

Homemade popcorn has got to be one of the most Simple Snacks for Kids that you can make.  Keep it plain and popcorn actually helps keep kids’ teeth clean.  Add a little cinnamon and a tiny sprinkle of icing sugar and they’ll actually be asking for a bag to take to the movies.  Importantly go as light on the butter as you can to keep it clean and simple. What do we love about this Cinnamon & Sugar Popcorn? It’s simple and you know exactly what’s in there (no hidden nasties)!

3 scoops of ice cream made with frozen bananas and vanilla yoghurt served in a blue bowl and sprinkled with chia seeds

When is ice cream simple and made with just 2 ingredients that everyone would have in their kitchen right now?  When it’s Vanilla and Banana Ice Cream made the MoM Recipes way! Literally 2 ingredients frozen and whizzed up in a high powered food processor.  No added sugar, no preservatives, no nasties and so simple, it’s ready in 2 minutes.

sticks of celery filled with peanut butter with sultanas placed on top to resemble ants on a log

These ‘Ants on a Log’ are so much fun but again, so simple!  Perfectly straight forward but a treat the kids used to ask me for all the time.  Now they make their own versions of these depending on what they’re feeling like.  If you’re not a peanut butter fan, switch it out for cream cheese or homous.

Pie Maker Cheese and Bacon Scrolls made with strips of puff pastry, bacon and cheese cooked in the pie maker

I recently dug our old pie maker out of the back of the cupboard and it’s now super popular when it comes to snacks after school.  I’ll even admit we’ve had these Pie Maker Cheese & Bacon Scrolls for dinner a couple of times with soup.  So simple, so tasty and just 3 simple ingredients.

Small glasses filled with colourful fresh fruit

If you find your kids poo poo the idea of a ‘piece of fruit’ … chop it all up!  Create a rainbow of colours in a groovy little container and suddenly fruit becomes much more exciting.  If you like to prep ahead, squeeze a little lemon or lime juice over the fruit to keep the colours vibrant and any discolouration at bay. Again, so simple and you know exactly what the kids are eating.

A glass bowl filled with roasted honey cinnamon chickpeas - turned on its side so the chickpeas are spilling out

If your children like a little crunch, steer them away from store bought chips by having a container filled with these Roasted Honey Cinnamon Chickpeas!  So yummy and every ready for those hungry tummies.  I like to make a massive batch and then store them in mini tubs so they’re instantly ready for grab and go.  If you’d rather avoid the honey or your kids don’t like sweet, switch out the sweet for a little salt or spice!

So there you have it … a bunch of Simple Snacks for Kids that are not only simple to make (and therefore super fast) but they are filled with deliciously simple ingredients you can find everywhere.  So less stress for you all round.  ENJOY!

Every now and then our partners ask us to create an article for our audience on their behalf.  We were more than happy to create this article for our partners at Arnott’s in conjunction with the Arnott’s Simple Batch Product Review that is currently underway.  MoM Members are reviewing Arnotts Simple Batch Honey Cinnamon Biscuits and Arnotts Simple Batch Anzac Biscuits.  All made with simple ingredients. Nothing more.

What’s your favourite Simple Snack for Kids? Have we included it in our list … or do we all need you to share?


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  • I will have a fruit salad please….that looks so tasty


  • Interesting ideas, some I already do or used to;,the roasted honey cinnamon chickpea recipe is great.


  • Kids love to snack all these ideas are great


  • Fabulous healthy snack options here. I particularly love the celery and peanut butter for myself, to fix that 3.30itis


  • They look like some good options.


  • Thanks for these great ideas. Can’t wait to try some of these


  • Yes especially the younger kids always want snacks.
    My 5yr old has Down Syndrome and her pediatrician has said that I should give her 10% less food because she would be a bit overweight. So hard because my girlie loves her food.
    And my 9yr only not only wants snacks all the time but takes them from other children at home and at school all the time :( she suffers kleptomania


  • These are some great ideas that should keep my adult son content as well. Thanks for the great tips


  • Some great suggestions here and a great variety of foods. Thanks for sharing. It is a good reminder to really expand on snacking options.


  • These are great ideas! My son would love the homemade popcorn!


  • Fruit is always a great go-to snack and yes, the secret is to having it cut up or it won’t get eaten. I can cut up watermelon or strawbs and my son will eat the whole lot. Left uncut, it nearly ends up being thrown out. Banana muffins or any variety that I make are also popular.

    • You can always use left over fruit for a smoothie or ice block, don’t throw it out !


  • cut up strawberries and blueberries are always a hit with my two


  • I never thought to do that to chickpeas. Normally I just use the tasty little things to bulk up a soup, stew or even a salad


  • Some great ideas here – and not too difficult either!


  • Love homemade popcorn and also homemade paddle pops – just milk and fresh fruit


  • Homemade popcorns are great.You can adjust your taste whatever you like.


  • Great ideas
    My Daughters Love hot popcorn as a snack


  • Plate of different fruits cut up and your child will pick what they like to eat, nothing beats fresh fruit, Aussie grown of course. I also like dates rolled into coconut, very nutritious too.


  • I love all of these ideas. So simple and the kids can help too.


  • We love various foods to dip into hummus. It has been a good way to try a few new veggies!


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