

A 16-year-old babysitter says she’s not sure if she did the right thing, after calling the police on the parents of the children she was looking after, when they failed to arrive home on time.

The teenager says she sometimes babysits on weekends, so when her mum’s co-worker needed someone to look after her three children, she was happy to help out.

“I agreed to babysit three kids from 2pm till 8.30pm,” the teen explained. “Because the parents had some party to get to.


“It went okay. But the parents didn’t get back at 8.30pm. At 9pm I tried calling him, but he didn’t pick up. I texted a few times. At 9.30pm I tried calling again. And again at 10pm And 10.30pm.”

By this stage the teen started trying to call her parents – but her dad was at a work dinner and her mum didn’t answer.

“I tried calling the parents of the kids again, but they still weren’t picking up or responding.”

She felt she had no choice, and decided to call the authorities.

“At 11.30ish I called the police, because I didn’t know what else to do. And I was worried something might have happened to the parents too. They came, and around the same time the parents came back. The dad screamed at me, and he’s still very upset.”

She said she’s now unsure if she was in the wrong for calling the police.

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  • It’s pretty bloody rude and immature to not be back when you say you will, especially when you’ve left your kids in the care of someone else.


  • She was definitely not in the wrong, I commend her for having the forethought to look out for the well-being of the parents and calling in, especially after multiple tries to get a hold of them and no response. The parents should be absolutely appalled with how they acted in response to you looking out for their family.


  • Definitely not in the wrong.. The parents should have texted her at the very least. It’s not like they were 5 minutes late… 3 hours and no contact. I would have been worried too.


  • It’s a big decision calling the police, but I think she was justified. If you’re due to be back to your kids at 8.30pm, who the heck doesn’t turn up OR answer their phone??


  • She did the right thing. The kids parents were totally irresponsible and were embarrassed that they had put the girl in this situation. I would tell everyone to not babysit for them because they don’t respect or care about anyone but themselves. Good on her, anything could have happened and they didn’t care, they only wanted to party.
    I hope she got paid for the extra time she spent there but I bet she didn’t.
    If I was her parent that couple would be getting a mouth full off me and I would blast it on social media too so everyone knows what they are like and that a grown man screamed at a 16 year old girl. They should be ashamed of themselves.


  • I think she did the right thing in calling the police. If they weren’t going to be back by the time they said, they should have either called or messaged her to say they were going to be a lot later. She only rang the police as a last resort because she was worried about them. Hopefully they’ve learnt a lesson and that father needs to apologise for yelling at her. I’d suggest she never babysits for them again.


  • I think the young girl did the right thing and has more brains than the childrens parents, very irresponsible. You think they would have checked in to see how the kids were.


  • I think those parents are at fault, and this young babysitter has a wiser and more caring head on her shoulders than the parents have. Good on her for her concern. It’s about time the parents grew up.


  • I would have called the police as well. How disrespectful of the kids parents to not even call to say they will be late.


  • The babysitter acted responsibly by trying to contact the parents multiple times and seeking help when they didn’t respond. Her concern for the well-being of the children and the parents is understandable, and calling the police was a reasonable decision given the circumstances. It’s crucial to prioritize the safety and welfare of the children under her care. The parents’ upset reaction may be due to their own stress, but the babysitter’s actions were motivated by a genuine concern for the children’s welfare.


  • I feel so bad for that young girl. I too would haven been concerened if they were 3 hours late and not answering phone calls. What else is she meant to do? I feel it was very irresponsible of the parents to be that late with no call or anything to the baby sitter, and they have no right to be angry with her


  • Perhaps the parents should’ve picked up the first 5 or so times? Not the 16 year olds fault at all


  • Yeah, that’s just rude on the parent’s part. If you’re going to be late, you need to let the babysitter know as a matter of priority. It’s not like she didn’t try everything else first.

    • I agree. The parents in this scenario are appalling.


  • That poor young girl. I feel she did all the right things without any support.


  • The babysitter is a responsible young lady, she did the right thing, the parents should of kept in touch with her to check up on there own child anyway, that’s what they get for being selfish. I’m sure the babysitter would of been more happy to hear that they are running late than her going through anxiety.

    • Yes she shows maturity and responsibility, unlike the parents…they can learn something from her


  • Wow shes 16 and did something more than responsible. She definitely did the right thing


  • That’s really wrong that they were uncontactable in the first place. There may have been an emergency. That’s just selfish on his behalf to be back three hours later and with no phonecall to ask if it’s okay.


  • I would have called the police sooner. The babysitter did the right thing.


  • Sahe was a kid, without much of a choice. She did what she could.


  • I don’t think she did the wrong thing at all! The parents were unreachable and she was worried. What if something had happened to the kids and the parents were unreachable.?


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