

Letting the kids watch TV is not all bad. Sometimes they even learn something really useful. Like how to save a life!

A 13-year-old autistic boy says he performed the Heimlich manoeuvre on a classmate at his New York City school after learning the technique from “SpongeBob SquarePants.”

Brandon Williams was eating lunch when he noticed his classmate, Jessica Pellegrino, was choking on a piece of apple.

He wrapped his arms around her mid-section and gave a sharp thrust to her diaphragm, and she spit out the piece of apple.

Brandon was asked how he learned the Heimlich a few days later. He said, “Learned it on SpongeBob.”

“I went like this,” said Brandon, demonstrating the motion on his father.
“Where did you learn that?” asked his dad.

“Learned it on SpongeBob,” Brandon answered.

“He picks up on things that most of us would miss, and files it all away in his head, and he can recall it all in an instant,” his dad explained. “That’s how he knew instantly what to do. And we’re glad he did. We’re proud of him.”
Brandon’s and Jessica’s seventh-grade class had a party to celebrate Brandon’s heroism. Some adults at the school said Brandon deserves a medal but he said he doesn’t need one.

Maybe I need to take a bit more notice of SpongeBob next time it’s on. The show usually just annoys me.

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  • Very interesting. I work with special needs children and ive noticed that many of them love watching SpongeBob


  • What a wonderful little boy he is.


  • They say that children are like sponges ,so this is fantastic


  • That is amazing so pleased he was able to learn something though sponge bob


  • Well done, who would have thought sponge bob would be a great teacher.


  • wow, amazing, they take in so much and its great they can learn whilst having fun


  • Well Brandon knows how to pay attention that’s for sure.


  • Brandon is a real hero. Thank God he was there and knew what to do.


  • i heard about this! who says tv can’t be educational lol


  • I don’t like much that show either. But it’s fantastic what Brandon learned from that show!


  • Well done Brandon. Glad to see her learnt something from a cartoon.


  • It’s amazing what kids learn and where from. Well done to Brandon.


  • Lke vy


  • I’ve never got into SpongeBob SquarePants, he was after my kids were too old. I have younger nieces and nephews etc and still didn’t get into him. After reading this story, maybe I should start switching him on!


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