

Meet the young girl going VIRAL after photo’s were shared on social media of the moment she met her baby brother.

The original post shared on Facebook by Nikki Smith has over 151,000 shares!

“Meet Jacee! This 12 year old helped deliver her baby brother and the emotion on her face is too amazing not to share! You’re a superstar Jacee! ZackNdede Carraway congratulations!”

Jacee’s mum, Dede Carraway, from Mississippi, who is now a mum of three, said “I have the most AMAZING doctor!”


What a special memory to treasure forever.

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  • aw the look of emotion on her face just says it all! you can tell she will be a great big sister! well done!


  • Jacee will never forget her experience in helping deliver her baby brother.
    I’m sure her Mum is so proud of her.


  • Wow, what an amazing experience for her.


  • I think maybe too young but also maybe such a beautiful experience to have.


  • I think this is beautiful! Each to their own but where babies come from may not be pretty but it sure is real. A great experience for a growing woman.


  • I’m not sure what to think. My first reaction is that she is too young for this.


  • An amazing young lady,l don’t now if l could have done that at her age!


  • Wow, this must have been such special moment for her. I can imagine this created a special bond with her brother and an awe for the miracle of birth and life.


  • I would think this would be either great or traumatic for the kid. Hard to know in advance…


  • A baby being born is truly memorable and beautiful.


  • what an amazing experience! I would love to see a baby born!


  • She looks happy to me! What a great experience. Maybe she will become a midwife! :-)


  • Is she happy or traumatised?


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