

Spanking children makes them likely to grow up to be violent later life.

800 children were involved in a study, which found that being hit as a child made you more likely to have aggressive tendencies, shares Yahoo!7.

Most adults who are violent in their relationships have been spanked or hit by their parents.

The study from the University of Texas Medical Branch focused on 758 volunteers aged 19 and 20, asking them about how often they were hit as children.

More Likely To Become Aggressive

The researchers found that the 68% of the volunteers who were punished physically as children were much more likely to become aggressive win later life.

Jeff Temple of the University of Texas Medical Branch said, ‘Kids who said they had experienced corporal punishment were more likely to have recently committed dating violence.’

The researcher found that children who had been spanked – as opposed to more violent punishments – were still more likely to be abusive in later life.

Spanking is often associated with aggression, antisocial behaviour, mental health problems and negative relationships with parents. Read more on that HERE.

The National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line – 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

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  • I dont agree with research at all.
    I was spanked as a child and I can tell you that it was not often but if my parents felt it was needed. I was not against spanking my kids but if you ask them they will tell you that I never spanked them. I cant remember ever having to spank them. I disagree with spanking a child simply because you have lost your cool. Spanking should only be used when the crime is serious … such as running out on to a road, pushing another child out on to the road, etc….situations where they did not listen and put either their life or someone elses life in danger.


  • I disagree with this research. All the people I know of that were smacked for misbehaving haven’t become aggressive. Look at the ones who are aggressive and committing offences so young. That’s because parents have had the rights to discipline their own children taken away from them. No wonder there is so much more violence now.


  • I completely disagree. There are different levels of ‘spanking’- I think it is wrong to use an implement such as a belt as this can go way too far. I got the strap a couple of times as a kid and while I turned out okay I still wouldn’t do this to my kids. However, I do believe a simple smack is the quickest way to show a child that what they did was wrong and my smacks don’t really hurt anyway I’m a bit weak that way, it hurts their pride more than anything. And I’ve been told on many occasions how well behaved my kids are which is an improvement on how many ill behaved kids you see nowadays.


  • I disagree with this. I also disagree with smacking kids, but I don’t think it has thus much of an impact. I was never smacked and can be ott, my partner was belted regularly and he’s a bit more aggro, birth my kids were smacked but very rarely and neither of them are overly aggressive


  • I do disagree with this research. I believe we all make choices in life. My husband was raised in an abusive household – terrible physical and emotional abuse. Whilst many of his family members struggled and chose that path, my husband is the most caring and amazing and considerate male I have ever known. He made a choice to never be like his Father, even though he had witnessed the worst of humanity as a child.


  • I think this article is not correct. Most people my age were spanked as children, does that mean we are all violent towards our children?


  • My brothers & i were belted by our mother with a webbing belt. Today she would be charged with assault. I smacked my 3 boys if they played up, but never with a belt. They grew up to respect me & they dont belt their kids. So I don’t believe this rubbish.


  • Think this article is rubbish. Many who were smacked violently as a child never smack their own children.


  • What utter tripe. Almost all of us who are over the age of 30 were smacked as a kid. In my case, it would have been classed as abuse, but the average kid got a smack for playing up. I have made the choice not to repeat what was done to me but our kids still get a smack onthe hand if the situation calls for it. After my upbringing I should be violent as anything and yet I am not. There are teenagers now who have no respect and do all sorts of unmentionable stuff because they were not adequately disciplined. This article is a Complete load of BS.


  • I don’t totally agree.
    When we have been smacked as child we can make a conscious decision not do do this to our own children. To smack or not to smack is a choice. And when we struggle to stand by our choice because of our past we can ask/get help (which is again a choice). Domestic violence doesn’t just “happen” to us because of our parents way of disciplining.


  • We are anti smacking and always have been anti any form of violence and aggression.


  • On occasion I have pushed a toddler’s hand away from something dangerous harder than intended while shew had her hand in the air still. Looking back she will probably think I smacked her.


  • We don’t smack our children however I was smacked as a child and have no aggression as such. Maybe it just depends on the predisposition of the child?


  • I’ve been smacked a lot as a child. I grew up with very low self-esteem and depression. I can’t stand physical violence and I’ve never smacked my child. Seeing my mother doing that to me surely taught me what I didn’t want to become.


  • Well duh. All you achieve by smacking children is teaching them how to smack. Its not an effective punishment.

    • Parents are role models and teaching children to use words and not hands and fists just makes logical sense.


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