Meet the Siamese twins born in India, sharing a face.
The Daily Mail reports, the babies each had their own heart, arms and legs. They weighed 2lbs 6oz and were born at a hospital in eastern India.
Sadly, doctors confirmed they only lived for six minutes.
Despite knowing they were conjoined, medics were astonished by their appearance when they delivered the babies by a Caesarean section.
Dr Kirtan Vyas, 30, an assistant professor in the gynaecology ward of the hospital who operated on the mother, said medics knew they were unlikely to survive.
‘We were somewhat prepared for the death of the babies as the brain was fused and surgery to separate the brain is impossible,’ he said.
‘We had informed the family in advance of the severe complications.’
‘This hospital has been going for 140 years and there’s only been around three to four cases of conjoined twins.
‘But this case of conjoined twins was an even more shocking one. The babies were extremely rare looking.’
The mother, who has chosen to remain anonymous, had a smooth pregnancy until her first ultrasound at seven months. She had not been in earlier for any check ups, which sadly due to poverty is very common.
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