

Briar Lusia Mcqueen shares this very sweet act of kindness that she originally feared was a lady approaching her to tell her to “put my boob away.”

Sharing on Facebook Briar wrote,
“Just wanted to share this really sweet moment I had this morning.
Today was the first time I went out for breakfast alone with my 8 week old son, I had just received my breakfast and hot chocolate when Jaxon started crying wanting his booby so of course I fed him, after a few minutes this older lady walked up to me, I was scared, thinking she was gonna tell me to put my boob away, instead she starts cutting up my breakfast for me and said “what a good mama you are, we can’t have your food getting cold can we”.
I honestly could have cried. Loveliest lady EVER!!”

Her post has been shared nearly 10K times and received over 255K reactions.

It certainly restores our faith in human kind.

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  • Such a lovely thing for the older lady to do. If a baby needs to be fed no mother should feel worries someone is going to tell them to stop its natural


  • It’s nice to hear the good stories around breast feeding rather than just all the negative ones. I loved reading this story.


  • Beautiful ! This is how we all should respond to each others needs, emphatic and serving….


  • How beautiful! Just restored my faith in humanity! What a gorgeous and loving human ❤️❤️


  • What a beautiful thing to do for a stranger. Wouldve bought tears to my eyes too. Too many people are caught up in their own worlds to do something like this for someone else. A simple, kind gesture can mean to world to someone you dont know.


  • Finally…someone telling a good breastfeeding story! For the few that are told to put it away there are hundreds who are smiled at, told they are doing a good job etc.


  • A lovely story,it doesn’t take much to show kindness!


  • This story restores my faith in humanity. So many posts on facebook about poor women who are made to feel embarrassed and ashamed because other’s can’t look at a breast in a non sexual way. I hope to see more stories like this.


  • It was nice that she appreciated the gesture.


  • Oh! It was really so sweet of that woman!!


  • This is gorgeous. I read it somewhere yesterday


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