

“This is me holding my newborn brother today, feeding him my milk in that bottle.”

A beautiful and touching story shared on Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page from proud big sister Ofelia Hernandez.

“I am 23 years old, with two children of my own. One is two years old, the other is two months old. Thankfully I’ve never struggled with low supply for either of my babies. And as of right now from my two-month-old, I have 1000 ounces stashed in the deep-freezer. My mom‘s water broke yesterday at 11 AM. Mr. James was born at 10:27 AM today. So why is my milk in that bottle?

“My mom is a type two diabetic and needed insulin for her whole pregnancy. So when James was born he had low blood sugar. He tested at 38 when they wanted to see him at 45.

“My mom was struggling to get his latch fixed but if the baby’s sugar hadn’t come up, they would’ve had to poke his little veins with an IV and/or take him to the NICU.

“Since I had been there at the hospital with my mom laboring for nearly 24 hours, I of course had to take my pump with me. I pumped 21 ounces the whole time I was there. So, my mom asked if she could bottle feed the baby just to get his sugar up to bypass the painful poke. She however did NOT want anything to do with formula.

“Ladies, My mom asked me if he could have some of my milk. you guys, my heart melted and I felt so special. I got some milk around quick for him, warmed up and in a bottle. I went to hand the nurse the bottle and she pointed to my mom so I tried to hand it to her and she said, “why don’t you feed him.” I COULD HAVE CRIED. the look on her face was so priceless and I will never forget how proud she looked. his sugar came up to 47 after the feeding. Perfect.

“I fell in love with another baby that isn’t mine, today. Forever and always, little brother.”

The post received numerous comments on how beautiful and special the moment was….
– “What a beautiful gift to give.”

– “So beautiful. You’re an amazing person <3″
– “Awesome. What a blessing you are!”

– “So awesome and precious!”

-“This brought tears to my eyes”
– “I’m not crying, you’re crying!”
-“This is so awesome, love stories like this!”

– “Thank you so much for sharing your story.”
– “That is sooooo awesome!!!! Sooooo sweet!!!!”

A recent update from Ofelia read: “Thanks so much everyone!

Baby is doing great! Still a cutie pie. Mom is tired but the latch is awesome now! Just a matter of getting him to stay awake to get a good feed in. You know, typical newborn stuff. Thanks for all of the encouraging words and positivity.”

Such a touching story x

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  • Just so loving and beautiful


  • Oh such a beautiful story. My two daughters had babies born months apart and one day while babysitting my daughter breast fed her hungry nephew. It was such a special moment! The look on his little face, he was unsure then he latched on and all was well!


  • So I was trying to make sense of the chain of events. She was feeding her baby brother, not her own. A lovely gesture that she could provide for her family.


  • Congratulations to all of you. You gave you little brother not only feeds but natural breastmilk sugar contained in it, not the sugar added to formula. It must feel a little strange your baby brother being younger than your children. Your baby brother and your 2 month old baby will probably be great play friends.


  • That is beautiful. You are his angel!


  • What a close family, it must be quite special to be able to assist like this


  • Wow so amazing and touching….


  • what a wonderful gift for her baby brother


  • That there is going to be the best brother and sister bond ever!


  • Such a beautiful story of the love of a sister for her baby brother. Mum is very proud of you. So glad all is now going well.


  • Beautiful when you can do this for your mum and brother !


  • Heartfelt story, the best gift you could give


  • What a beautiful bond they will always have.


  • This is so amazing that she was able to help not only her mum but her baby brother in such an important way.


  • Beautiful! Such a lovely thing to do and I’m sure they will have a strong bond in years to come.


  • A lovely family story with joy for everyone.


  • What a lovely way to help her brother and mother.


  • I do love stories like this, very precious moment for both mother, daughter, brother and son.


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