

This video of young boys being asked to slap a young girl is highlighting a very important message – violence against women is NOT OK. Seems the boys are showing some men how to act….

“What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her? Here is how children react to the subject of violence against women.”

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  • They need to know this is never ok.


  • All kids should be showed this


  • All kids are against violence, even if they see it daily. It depends on the child really. I personally know someone that was from a seriously violent home, and he grew up and has never raised a hand at his wife nor his children.. How do I know? Because he is my husband…


  • I ave been watching this again and again :P Very encouraging and uplifting =)


  • beautiful although things might be different if they grew up in a house were it was day to day life not that that should make it alright although this seems to be were people that do learn it.


  • I think ALL kids should be taught violence against ANYONE is not okay!


  • Very powerful message – love this advertising. Could watch it again and again it’s so cute!


  • Ooh wow, this was so powerful I loved it. This should be shared with everyone.


  • I like that it is teaching that boys should never hit a girl. But it should point out that it’s not ok to hit anyone.


  • Such a beautiful video, at such a young age these boys are men.


  • Great reactions from all of them, love the one saying “because I’m against violence.”


  • Brilliant……they are real men already !!!!


  • look at their reactions! also just a tip- don’t go and read the youtube comments on this video.


  • I’m disappointed at this ‘social experiment’. I wonder what would happen if the girls were told to hit boys! Their minds have not been sensitised to the same extent about this issue in reverse.


  • Poor boys the confusion and disbelief on their faces when told to slap her.
    Great to see how well they came through.
    Would have been interesting to see how grown men react.


  • I am totally against violence toward women in any shape or form, but when are we really going to deal with the major cause of it . . . MENTAL ILLNESS. I know people whose beloved daughters were killed as a result and the men were unbalanced. No amount of shaming, no ad campaigns with Hollywood celebs are ever going to stop it. Because these people are hardwired to do it.


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting and important video; the boy who said “because I am against violence” gets it! It is not if you are a boy or girl or a man or a woman; any violence is unacceptable!


  • I am concerned that the boys were even told to slap her …..
    Although their actions were reassuring, I think it is wrong they were instructed by an adult to hit her. I wonder if they had been asked to hit a boy what their responses would have been?


  • Im pretty sure the youngs are valuable and not yet matured but I’m wondering once they are older and matured, will they hit girls or not? I dont see the purpose now while they are young? Its how for me, which path my children will travel on, my teaching them of respect,team work and love. Hoping that they know right from wrong and physical are not accepted.

    • Would this still be the same in a few years time without any cameras around?


  • I love how the boy said, because im a man!


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