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Three young children have been removed from a home where four adults were treated for suspected drug overdoses.

Police were called to the Ropes Crossing home in Sydney’s west about 4am on Sunday by paramedics who treated two men and two women, reports Daily Mail.

The men, aged 33 and 35, and the women, 28 and 32, did not need to go to hospital.

Police said three children who were at the home, all aged under ten, appear to have slept through the incident.

‘The children were removed from the home and are in the care of relatives,’ NSW Police said in a statement on Sunday.

We hope all the adults involved seek treatment for the children’s sake.

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  • I don’t understand how people can be so irresponsible- don’t they consider the children at all before they do these things? Once again it’s the kids who suffer.


  • Seriously! Why don’t people strive to be good role models for children. What terrible adults. I hope the kids will be ok, they don’t deserve this at all.


  • Poor children !! My heart aches for them because they’ll probably don’t understand the debt of problems their parents are in but still love and miss them dearly.


  • Some parents just shouldn’t have children – they can’t care for themselves, let alone their children.


  • There has been children die from overdoses as a result the adults making bad decisions and giving them drugs too. One happened as a result of the Mother putting Methadone in her baby’s bottle she would have a sleep after crying with teething pain. Apparently the family was known to the Police as being addicts, including the teenage children. It was one of them who discovered the baby wasn’t breathing properly and called the Ambulance. The Mother was “off her face” as they saying goes.


  • Just disgusting! When will these people realise it’s time to grow up when you have babies. They rely on you to look after them and keep them safe. You can’t do either when you’re off your heads :/


  • Parenting at its worst. It is so concerning how frequently we are hearing about this now. Children need to be kept safe, and unfortunately sometimes from their parents. These people don’t deserve children, or deserve to be called parents.


  • I don’t understand how parents can do drugs and look after children,at least the children will be cared for now though it will be very hard for them.


  • It’s going to be hard for the kids to understand but I’m glad they were removed from that environment. Imagine if they had woken up to those adults dead or in a bad way. It makes me so so mad that there are willing to put their addictions before their children and practise it around their kids.


  • Thank god this was found before the kids suffered anymore, now they have a chance at a better life whether the parents got the wake up call they needed or the other family looking after them give them the life they deserve!


  • I’m glad the Police intervened. Those kids need to grow in a safe and protected environment. Maybe the parents will realize that they need to change their lives if they don’t want to lose their kids. 🙁


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