

The biological mother of Tiahleigh Palmer has spoken in her first ever interview since  taking aim at the critics who blame her for her daughter’s death rather than the monster who killed her.

“I didn’t murder my daughter,” Cyndi Palmer told 60 Minutes reporter Tara Brown.

“I did everything I could to try and get her back. I wanted our family to be whole again.”

Ms Palmer told 60 Minutes she has faced public condemnation since Tiahleigh’s murder, receiving death threats from the public for placing her daughter in care to begin with.

It’s a notion of guilt that Ms Palmer says is misplaced, as she was “working really hard to not be that person”, and make positive changes.

She says that while she was fighting to give Tiahleigh a better life, the Thorburns were brutally taking her life away.

“People blamed me for her death,” she told Brown.

“I try not to let it bother me. But I guess maybe it is a little bit of guilt because obviously I was meant to be a mother and I should have made better choices.

“But I didn’t murder my daughter.”

Tiahleigh was placed in foster care at the age of seven because, as Ms Palmer told 60 Minutes, she couldn’t always provide a happy or safe home.

“I was suffering through a very severe domestic violence situation,” she revealed.

“I actually went to the department for help because I realised that one day I was just going to die, and they were going to be left there, by themselves.

“I still firmly believe that the day I went to the department asking for help, I made the right decision.

“It’s not what I wanted and it wasn’t the outcome any of us wanted, but at the end of the day I thought it was the safer option.”

Despite being thankful that with Rick’s sentencing there will finally be justice for Tiahleigh, Ms Palmer believes there is more to this story that we will sadly never know.

“I just think if your son slept with an underage girl then there is so many other ways to deal with it,” she told Brown.

“You don’t go and kill someone for it. He could have turned him in, there had to be more going on than just what they’re saying.”

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  • Sad story from start to finish. If only her mum could’ve kept it together her daughter would still be here


  • Why not accept some of the blame? This little girl was removed from her mum at age 7, she died at age 12. That’s 5 years, does it really take that long to sort yourself out? I know I would do whatever was needed as soon as possible to get my babies back


  • This is such a shocking case I can not understand why she was put with a family that has adult sons in the first place. Can’t imagine what this poor little girl went threw and I can not believe the mother or a mother could hide or try to cover up what her husband has done. I understand that they where trying to protect there son but really kill a little girl it’s just sick


  • It’s crazy that people accuse the mum of murdering her child ! She has nothing to do with her daughters murder. Yes, her child was removed out of her care. Sometimes things happen in our life and we temporary or permanently lose the ability to fully care for our child ? Who are others to judge about that, without even knowing any details ? This mum was working hard to get her daughter back, how dare people accuse her !


  • Poor child. May she rest in peace.

    • What an awful thing to have happened, rest in peace little girl


  • It’s sad that people accuse the mother for what happened to Tiahleigh. If she thought that her daughter could have had a better life not living with her, the motivations were good enough in my idea. That she ended up in such a terrible family is surely not her fault.


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