

For many of us, winter means heading to the ski slopes, curling up at home and pulling out the extra warm doonas.

Families with young children are prone to a few extra risks in the winter, so here are a few key examples and preventative tips to ensure that your family stays safe and healthy during the colder months.

Winter is a great time for cuddling up on the couch with the family, watching movies and cooking warm, hearty meals.

People tend to spend more time indoors during the colder months, and there are a few safety precautions to remember at this point.

Firstly, make sure that you are careful when using a heater. The most important points are to ensure that they are not near anything which could burn or melt (including computer cords, curtains and blankets) and that they are always turned off when you are leaving a room.

Leaving a heater on overnight or for a few hours without supervision can lead to a number of terrible accidents. Ensure that children know that they cannot touch the heater, to ensure that they are not burnt or injured.

Children (and pets) should be also kept away from the heater to avoid it being tipped over.

Fireplaces can be dangerous for many reasons and it is incredibly important to keep children far away from an open fire. The new Dreambaby® Royale Converta® 3-in-1 Play-Pen Gate is a perfect fireplace barrier, ensuring that children cannot burn themselves.

Winter is also a time when many children are more prone to contracting the flu and other illnesses. Make sure that they dress warmly (but not overheated), that they do not spend too much time with sick children and that they are treated appropriately, should cold symptoms appear.

Adults are more likely to fall ill in winter too, so ensure that you have a fully stocked medicine cabinet at home.

And remember to keep all medications out of reach of children in a locked cabinet.

One of the best things about winter is the yummy food! Hearty soups, thick stews and slow-cooked meats are some of the best winter warmers for the whole family.

It’s important to make sure that children stay far away from the kitchen while cooking, because these are all meals that can cause serious damage. Large stock pots, and boiling water in general can cause serious burns if touched or tipped over.

Ovens can be dangerous too. Slow-cooked dishes can take eight hours or more to cook in a hot oven, so children should avoid this area the whole time.

Dreambaby® Safety Gates are an ideal barrier preventing entry into the kitchen. Other items including the Stove Top Guard, Microwave & Oven Lock, Oven Knob Covers and more can be used to secure specific appliances, should you wish to not block the kitchen entirely.

Another important aspect of winter safety is driving. Roads can be wet and icy at this time of the year, so it’s even more important than ever to drive carefully – especially if you’ve got kids in the car. Drive slowly and take extra care to be aware of road conditions and surrounding traffic.

Take the proper precautions if you are driving to a snowy area, to avoid skidding and other accidents.

Winter can be a relaxing time for many, but it can also be cold and potentially dangerous. With a few simple tools and precautions, winter can be fun and safe for the whole family.

Make sure that children dress warmly, act with caution around heaters, fires and hot food or drinks.

Keep a locked and out of reach, well-stocked medicine cupboard in case of sickness or injury and be careful on the road, especially in ice or snow.

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  • This reminds me, I need to put a new battery in our smoke alarm. It’s nearly daylight savings time, best time for it


  • Very important tips,good reminder.


  • these are good for winter. good post here


  • We’re going overseas in January. Some of these tips will be useful for when we were away.


  • Some really good advice in the article, thankyou!


  • I have a fan heater which as soon as tilted it the slightest bit it switches itself off. I have aa screen I surround it with. I keep it further than the recommended safe distance away from all objects. Avoid allowing all young children from entering the kitchen area. Don’t allow your child to use the toaster until he/she is old enough to understand the danger if it isn’t used with care, that the powerpoint must be switched off afterwards. I have a special switch which prevents the hottop or oven being operated unless it is activated. The hot-top also has a lock on it. My Microwave Oven has a built-in childproof lock in it, as does my washing machine. Have a fire blanket in your kitchen near cooking appliances, also a fire extinguisher which can be used for electrical fires as well as others.The side door into the garage is kept locked. Test your smoke alarms regularly and replace its batteries once a year, or more frequently if it has been activated or gives a low signal at all.
    It is essential to dress warmly in Winter but make sure you don’t dress your babies or toddlers too warmly as they don’t have ability to uncover themselves to prevent dehydration which can be life threatening.
    In warmer weather ensure you dress in light clothing. If it really cool in the morning you may need to put a slightly warmer top on for a short period of time. Keep your blinds down and curtains closed in the rooms you aren’t using. It is advisable to have your roof insulated as it helps to keep your rooms cooler in Summer (and warmer in Winter). If there is a gap under your exterior doors, attach weather strips to prevent heat and cold draughts entering your house.


  • I have a love hate relationship with winter, love being snug indoors but hate receiving the winter electricity bill – good tips though.


  • there are some fabulous tips in this


  • Ive always kept chemicals up high and difficult to open cupboards.


  • WOW love the microwave lock, great idea that I was not aware was available. Definitely on the shopping list


  • Bought heaters that have a switch on the bottom so that if it was tipped over it switched off immediately. I am always looking at safety items when I am shopping for the home. Great read thank you.


  • Each season definitely have their own hazards, and it’s worth stopping to think as the seasons change.


  • Some really good advice there, thanks!


  • Some very important tips. Thank you


  • We didn’t even get the heater out this year to save on electricity. More blankets & warm clothing.


  • Loving all the tips and ideas thank you


  • I love the safety products you can get these days


  • it is now time to think about how to cool down in summer


  • Nothing I enjoy more in Winter when it’s freezing cold than turning the electric blanket on the bed an hour before bedtime. Crawling into a lovely warm bed (never go to sleep with the blanket on), listening to the rain falling outside, is truly one of my favourite things.


  • I often check the power cords & plugs to our electric heaters to make sure they’re not overheating.


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