

Two cheeky toddlers covered their bathroom, bedroom and landing – and even their baby sister’s face – in paint in just 10 minutes, while their mother was doing the laundry.

Emma Howes, 24, from Witney, Oxfordshire, explained how Hollie, four, and Evie, two, managed to slip upstairs while she was doing a load of washing.

She went upstairs to find the two youngsters had smeared purple paint all over the walls, as well as discovering bottles of the acrylic paint all over her carpet, SHARES Daily Mail.

Going into the bathroom, she found Hollie and Evie dancing in the bath tub with purple colouring splashed all over the floor and in the sink.

Emma explained how the children had got the paint from a case under the bed, which they dropped – leading to all the bottles falling out.

Emma then found her baby daughter Connie’s bedroom had also been covered in paint, with her two toddlers even painting their 11-month-old sister’s face.

Describing her reaction to the enormous mess, Emma said: ‘I literally had no words I couldn’t speak, totally shocked.

‘Honestly I could have cried. Their dad was far from happy but what was done was done.

‘Now we just look and laugh. Especially at the video with Connie’s cheeky grin at the end.’

She added: ‘They got it from a locked case under the bed. They dropped it and all the paint bottles fell out.’

After hours of trying to clean up the mess, Emma decided to call in a specialist cleaner, costing her £100.

Emma said: ‘It is much better than it was at first, but even then we have to get the specialist back out.

‘I stuck the pair of them straight in the shower while I figured out where to start the clean up.’

The mother-of-three said that when she questioned her eldest daughter Hollie what they had been doing, the four-year-old had simply replied: ‘I’m a rockstar mummy’.

OMG!  What would you have done?


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  • Maybe the lock on the case wasn’t very strong. Had they been on the ground floor the Mum would have probably smelt the paint. Maybe the Mum should have contacted the paint manufacturer or place she bought it from and asked if they knew how to remove it.


  • very cleaver for a 4 and 2 year old to pick a lock from a locked case under her bed and lift it out and then do what they did all in 10 minutes. seems a bit of an odd.


  • Aw lol, and acrylic paint is not the easiest to remove !!
    A year ago this happened to me, not with paint, but with poo. It was easier to clean (I didn’t need a professional cleaner), but oh so dirty and stinky !!
    When I faced it, I closed the door and turned around to take a deep breath and gather courage.


  • Oh wow. Luckily they didn’t eat it!


  • I would be furious, but… It’s not like they meant to be really naughty.


  • Looks like the kids had a tonne of fun.


  • Oh my god! I would literally die. How do you even clean that up?!


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