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With a change in season there comes a need to give the home a good spring clean, in preparation for the warmer months.

First Aid For You is encouraging Australians to take care when spring-cleaning the home to prevent serious accidents and consequential visits to the emergency department.

There can be many hazards when cleaning, by following some simple steps, the process can be injury-free and completed quickly in a safe environment.

1) Have the kids cared for by family or friends

If possible, organise a play-date for the kids, so they won’t be underfoot and ultimately creating more mess.

Alternatively, assign simple age-appropriate jobs to them, responsibility is an essential value and skill for children to learn, which cleaning can reinforce

2) When cleaning / mopping the floors, ensure they are completely dry

Slips and falls are preventable; dry the floor with an old towel to speed-up the process. If someone should fall, apply ice on the injured area immediately, if you’re concerned about a potentially broken bone visit your local doctor or medical center

3) Take the opportunity to “accident-proof” the medicine cabinet

It’s also a good time to dispose of expired medicine/prescriptions, which can be disposed of at your local pharmacy, should cleaning material(s) be ingested call Poisons information center on 131126 112 or 000 immediately.

4) Never climb a ladder alone

Always ask your partner, a neighbour or family friend to supervise.

Even for brief periods, it is vital that an adult is on hand to assist should an accident occur

5) Have a well-stocked first aid kit

Keep this in a place where all family members can reach it and know where it is.

Aside from taking simple precautions when cleaning this spring, learning some first aid basics will put your mind at ease and you can rest assured that should an emergency situation arise, you will be prepared!

Have you started your spring cleaning yet? Please share your safe cleaning tips below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • I haven’t started my spring clean yet, but i really need to. I tend to use natural products for cleaning like baking soda and vinegar and also essential oils so there are no fumes or headaches.


  • I find a little bit of cleaning a day sorting things more often keeps the house tidy rather than spending a whole day tidying and sorting out cupboards. ..


  • I am a terrible hoarder so I have just bought small (in height) A3 size containers to start sorting through the children’s art work/school work/certificates into years and then will decide what needs to be kept.


  • wowza, I do everything wrong, how have I lived for so long!


  • Like the play date for kids idea. Means turning my music up and kind of enjoying the housework if that’s possible.


  • Thanks for the tips


  • Thanks for the advice/tips.


  • I have started my spring cleaning & so far no accidents, fingers crossed!
    I only use a small step ladder & always have my partner hold it steady, I am not good with heights & am very fearful of falling.
    I always get my Mum to take the kids when we spring clean as it is not only safer but we get it done quicker.
    I stock up on storage containers for items I want to keep but don’t use such as children’s outfits, art work, etc. & garbage bags for all the rubbish I’m going to throw out. Nothing worse than getting half way through & running out of garbage bags!
    I also check the local tips hours to make sure they are going to be open & I don’t end up with a stinking trailer in my yard for another day or 2.


  • My mum fell of a step ladder cleaning blinds in the kitchen and cracked her knee cap. Major op and needed weeks of home help. Cleaning unseen areas is just not that important.


  • That was helpful tip. Thank you.


  • I need all the tips I can get. Thank you for the article


  • yes great tips esp’ the one about the ladder


  • Some great tips here. Love this time of year. As the weather gets warmer, i feel more motivated.


  • Very sensible advice and tips.


  • thank you for these helpful tips!


  • A great time to do a home safety audit while cleaning. Watch for frayed power cords, broken fixtures, hanging cords, out of date products. Its easy to think “I’ll get to that soon”, but spring clean is a great time to stop putting things off.


  • a perfectly timed post – my job this weekend is windows!


  • hey I just realised you missed one important ingredient in the spring cleaning list – tunes!! Cannot spring clean without some groovy tunes to get you up and moving


  • It’s on my list of things to do. I love lists, and I’ll work through a Spring Cleaning list to get things done.


  • Thanks for those great tips Mary.


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