

Three-year-old twin boys found locked inside a tiny wooden box in their home while their cruel parents went off to work.

The boys had no toys or blankets and the box was divided in two so they couldn’t touch each other, reports The Sun.

Police made the disturbing discovery after receiving an anonymous tip-off and broke into the house in the town of Aparecidinha, in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo.

Officials say the toddlers were locked inside the small crate, which was divided in two so they couldn’t touch each other and secured with a padlock and chain.

Police say they had no toys, pillows or any sort of comfort and released a photograph showing how they found them.

The two boys have been taken to a shelter whilst the parents, both farmers, were arrested and taken to a police station on suspicion of infant mistreatment.

Police captain Sonimarcos told reporters: “The parents said they kept the boys in the box so they could carry out their tasks in the home and in the fields.

“But the space was very small and was even split into two so the brothers did not touch each other.

“Without toys, without a pillow and without any comfort.”

The boys are currently being kept at a shelter as the case continues and it is unclear if the parents have been charged.

Police captain Sonimarcos confirmed the twins did not show any signs of having been the victims of physical aggression.

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  • I see no love in this situation :(


  • If they had no comforts I get the impression maybe they didn’t have any food or water either.
    If the parents were so desperate that they had to leave them could they not have asked a neighbour to check on them during the time they weren’t home. There must have been somebody who knew the children were never seen during that time.


  • Aw bless these poor wee boys. Glad they were removed of the “parents”.


  • Was there enough room for the boys to lie down instead of sitting on a solid surface all day? If they were so desperate why didn’t they put them in a room and lock the door so they were safe.


  • Some people shouldn’t have children.

    I also find it strange that there is emphasis on “they had no toys or blankets and the box was divided in two so they couldn’t touch each other” as if that would have made it any better.



  • Oh my word! This is beyond cruel! If your kids are too inconvenient to you, don’t have any!


  • What in the hell? Those ‘parents’ (monsters more like it) should be locked up like that. See how they like it.


  • This is just plain horrible. These people do not deserve to be parents. And if they think they’re behaviour is ok, imagine the life that these children will experience and be exposed to if this is considered normal. These parents must be charged and the children removed from their care.


  • Reading things like this is why I don’t watch the news. There is so much horrible stuff all the time but despite the obvious cruelty, Im hoping that desperation was a factor when it comes to the parents actions and they aren’t solely to blame


  • The poor things. I’m sure there could of been other ways of continuing to work than this.


  • Poor boys. There are far too many stories of poor innocent children being mistreated I hope they find somewhere safe and happy for these two.


  • Poor little boys. But you must understand they are in an impoverished country and they both probably had to go to work in order to feed the boys. There were no other signs of physical abuse. I guess you would have to hear the full story. But poor little munchkins, so very sad for them.


  • I don’t understand how on earth people can be so cruel to little innocent children. Breaks my heart


  • Disgusting behaviour! Some people don’t deserve the right to be a parent..


  • The poor boys that is not right


  • Lock them up in the same box! Poor boys


  • There is no excuse for this unacceptable disgusting behaviour. The parents are accountable and should go to Prison.


  • Poor kids. And who knows how long this has been going on. Luckily for the tip-off. These kids will be scared for life, that’s for sure. :-(


  • So sad, don’t know what goes through people’s head’s thinking that it’s okay to treat their children like this.


  • The poor little ones – so glad they were discovered. I do hope services can work with the children to overcome any psychological trauma.


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