

Dad filmed his toddler climbing a “closed and locked” pool ladder highlighting how easy it would be for him to fall in and drown.

Keith Wyman from the US posted a video on Facebook to warn others when his two-year-old toddler, Cody, easily climbed the ladder despite it being locked with a gate which closes over the top of the staircase supposedly preventing access to the steps.

But Cody is seen climbing up the side of the pool in less than a minute with ease.

Mr Wyman wrote: “I stress you to watch your kids around pools. I will be buying a new type of ladder”.

The dad’s video has gone viral with more than 19 million views and nearly 580,000 shares.

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  • The number one protection no matter what is to watch your child as much as humanly possible.


  • He’s quite a clever little guy. Would take a lot of looking after.


  • That’s one strong little lad. Glad they were there before he got into the pool. Maybe a pool fence would be a better bet. And I emphasise Maybe.


  • OMG, will you look at the strength and the cunning of a toddler so young. Quite frightening.


  • Wow, crafty lil guy. But instead of going and buying another ladder, he needs to invest in a pool fence..


  • Personally I found this ladder quite odd. So very glad we in Australia have pool fences but what ever you have supervision is paramount around pools.


  • OMG Cody is a climber of epic proportion. I’m glad dad was filming so he could save the little guy.


  • This is terrifying. Some babies are super strong, determined and clever.


  • I’m so glad that Australia requires full fencing around pools but shows how strong toddlers are and how you can NEVER not watch children (of any age) around water.


  • Wow, that is one determined little fella! He needs to be tied up to keep him safe. The poor parents, what a worry


  • Incredible. Luckily that the parents were there when it happened. It looks just so easy for this child!!


  • So easy to see Cody climb the locked ladder,very scary!


  • Omg! He needs more than a different ladder, he needs a 12 foot fence! I’d seriously consider getting rid of the pool.


  • This video is very terrifying I can’t even look


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