
A mum from Queensland has ignited the internet by sharing a controversial video of herself breastfeeding while driving her car on the motorway.

The video, which has subsequently been removed from Instagram, shows mum Raquel Reynolds cradling her baby in one arm, with the other hand steering the car.

Ms Reynolds explained that a truck had been involved in a crash up ahead and had caused traffic to come to a standstill. Her baby was crying and hungry and since she had nowhere safe to pull off the road, she had no choice but to breastfeed while driving.

In the video the mum said: “we’re sitting in traffic and baby’s hungry. So dangerous but it’s a bit crazy. What am I supposed to do, hey bubba?”

Ms Reynolds then asked her followers: “what would you do?”

(See the video at the end of the post)

What Would You Have Done?

The post spurred on many comments debating the actions of the multi-tasking mum.

Some were in support of Ms Reynold’s actions.

“I would have done the exact same. Anything for our babies. I would move mountains for my son and stepdaughter,” one follower commented.

“Honestly, I would have done the same Raquel. What a hard predicament to be in,” another said. She did suggest that the mum should ‘perhaps express and have a bottle handy’ just in case the same thing happens again.

Risking Lives

However officials were not as understanding as her social media followers. Lauren Ritchie from the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland spoke to Nine New saying: “To not have a child properly restrained is risking their lives – that’s how serious an outcome it is.

“Even a small crash can injure a child.”

We certainly don’t condone Ms Reynold’s actions – but we know how hard it is having a crying, hungry baby in the car. It can make you do crazy things.

What would you have done? Tell us in the comments below.


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  • If the car is moving at all then its a massive NO.
    If the traffic is at a standstill and will be for some time then its not dangerous as no traffic is moving around her or near her.


  • This should be illegal! You can’t eat and drive & you can’t hold a phone and drive – this is extremely distracting and remember the baby isnt fixed in her car seat – so thats illegal in itself. This is idiotic behaviour.


  • The baby wouldn’t have died of hunger…
    I guess the crying and screaming just got to her as it would most people.


  • So much wrong with this story.l!!

    Who was the camera person??

    How did the baby get out of the approved child seat in the back into the “mother’s” arms to be breast fed.

    There are very few “traffic jams” that would even warrant the thought of doing something so irresponsible as this.

    Family Services are too busy to deal with stupid.

    And finally why would you post this??


  • I must say the thought to do this would never enter my mind. It’s terribly unsafe.


  • Nothing about this is ok. Pull over & feed your baby :O


  • Jeez! What’s wrong with people these days!? Baby has to be secured while driving!


  • No no no, just no. I can’t support her decision, just because they were going slow doesn’t make it okay. What if someone had rear ended her because they weren’t paying attention. I get that her baby was hungry and probably screaming and believe me, I understand how excruciating it is to deal with the screaming, but you pull over and just make it work.


  • Oh my god sorry but this is just incredibly dangerous. Risking lives big time….


  • Absolutely not okay to breastfeed in this situation. It’s too dangerous and baby won’t be harmed if he has to wait for a feed.


  • No wrong thing to do. Even if baby is screaming they will be okay. Better to be safe.


  • It wont hurt the baby to scream because they are hungry, it will hurt them if you have an accident and they fly out of your arms because they aren’t restrained properly. Such a stupid thing to do


  • Even after thinking about it, I still feel she was stupid.


  • I’m a bit torn! It’s awful having a screaming baby that needs feeding. But I think I would have waited until I could safely pull over somewhere before feeding bub. It’s just too risky doing this and what’s a few more minutes? Baby won’t starve, mums nerves will be frazzled, but no one dies


  • It is illegal to feed a baby at all if a car is mobile at all. That also applies to a passenger who needs to feed a baby by breastfeeding or bottle. It definitely is in Vic and SA. I would think it would be a national law. I don’t know how much the fine is.


  • So so dangerous shs needs to pull over


  • I would do anything for my babies but what’s the point if it puts them and others in danger. Not worth it. Definitely pull over as best as you can.


  • This is so very unsafe. She really should have pulled over or got off the freeway.


  • Maybe if she could have pulled over to an outside lane and had her emergency lights on. No matter what she did, it would still have been the wrong thing to do in someone’s eyes. Hopefully she never has to go through that situation again.


  • Sorry but the traffic did NOT look like a stand still to me! She was driving a good 15km or so which is still fast enough to cause injury if an accident happened. And there was room on the left from the footage for her to veer over into the left lane if needed. Clearly someone else was in the car. I’m sure that person could have helped soothe the baby giving them their hand to suck on or something rather than recording. There are ways around it. Sorry but I disagree with her reasoning


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