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The Police are being called by thousands of parents for assistance after their teenage children have turned violently against them, while countless others are too ashamed to report the abuse.

Bureau of Crime Statistics have revealed a disturbing trend which sees children and young people playing a huge part in the domestic violence crisis in Australia.

Speaking with the Daily Telegraph, Assistant Commissioner Mick Fuller, NSW Police corporate spokesman for domestic violence said, “It is a concerning trend.”

In the latest figures put out by the Bureau, police dealt with 886 boys and young men and 487 girls and young women (aged between 10-17) over matters of parental abuse.

The number of police cases for youth domestic violence assaults has increased by a staggering 5.5 per cent each year, over the past ten years.

It is believed that roughly half of domestic violence cases go unreported.

Executive officer of Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia, Karen Willis, told the Daily Telegraph that the issue was the “great unspoken problem.”

“It’s hard enough to talk about domestic violence from a person you are married to or live with but if there is this gorgeous child you have raised and loved, to turn around and report them for domestic violence is very difficult.” she said.  


Image source: Shutterstock

  • a family I know, the parent of their son is so violent even worst when he drinks. he has been to jail a couple of times and have abuse his ex-wife and sexually raped her which got her pregnant. the ex-wife never reported him but left him. the parent of their son never did anything to help their daughter in law, but denies if their son have ever done anything bad.
    that’s makes me very angry.


  • I would hate to be scared of my own child. Horrible.


  • Oh my god, so hard to believe! Scared of your own children, how does that happen? Yeah, I’ve had lots of conflict with my kids as they’ve grown, but never has it sunk so low I fear them and have to call the police! I’m wondering if the widespread use of drugs nowadays is affecting our kids this way?!


  • This is so hard to fathom.


  • This is just crazy to me.
    I know that when I was a kid there was no way you would have dared to disrespect your parents.
    Your parents were the boss and you knew that and you behaved.


  • It makes we wonder what went wrong and at what point.


  • Sadly it is difficult to instil respect when the schools teach the kids in reception at school (5 years old) that they have rights…If they don’t want to do what the parents ask them to, they don’t have to…..and that is only the tip of the iceberg. This started in some Public Schools in the 1980s. If you raise your voice (it doesn’t have to be “bad words”) it is verbal abuse. There is emotional abuse, physcological abuse besides all the others we regularly hear about because they happen so frequently. The kids were told so much and went home and told their parents….the parents were wondering if they had any rights at all. You are not supposed to discipline your children yet as soon as something goes wrong everybody is asking where were the parents??
    You can’t physically stop your child from walking out the door if they are determined they are going to leave by some means. I know of a teenager who led her parents she was tired and going to bed early, went to her room, got dressed again, climbed out of her window and went and met up with some of her friends. Her parents discovered on a few occasions that she had gone when they checked her as they were going to bed themselves. They went and collected her a few times. Sometimes it is peer pressure. On their own they probably wouldn’t think of doing the things they do, but get a couple of kids who have a bad influence on the others and trouble starts.
    Kids decide that they don’t have abide by parent’s house rules / decisions, some either get violent or simply run off.


  • It’s shocking what today’s society and young people’s lack of respect has come too. I’m only 28 and when I see 18 year olds in our extended family and how they talk and treat their parents I’m ashamed and shocked at what their getting away with. Violence should never be tolerated and the stigma needs to be removed and this can only be done by us talking openly about it.


  • This story really saddens me.


  • Domestic violence comes in all forms and shapes doesn’t it? How awful, I never really think about it being from children as well.


  • This is really scary. I would have never imagined there were so many cases!


  • Its very hard to call the police on your own child when you love them and know they weren’t raised to be violent and aggressive especially towards their own family. The sad part is the police are very quick to judge the parents


  • It is truly a scary situation to be in, and being your own flesh and blood makes reporting even harder but if these children are allowed to continue, the are very possible our next generation of husbands and wives that abuse each other or their children.


  • Like it


  • It’s something that is not talked about enough. I have called the police on my 13 year old niece. My sister and my mum have called the police for her too. Sadly there is very little support


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