

Reports a young male and female from WA’s south west are assisting police with enquiries into the death of a four-month-old baby girl.

The baby was first taken to hospital in Bunbury last Friday and then taken to Perth but died on Sunday, reports 9 news.

An 18-year-old woman and a 21-year-old man are being spoken to by Major Crime Squad detectives who are investigating the death and waiting for the results of a post mortem examination.

More details to come…

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  • the parents are young and i wonder if that was a cause? some young parents can handle the parenting thing fine but not all of them


  • A sad loss at such a young age. The baby was taken to the Bunbury Hospital on the Friday. Was she transferred to Perth by Ambulance or did the parents take her there later?


  • Very sad to hear a very young life go so soon.


  • RIP little bub.


  • Aw bless, hope it becomes clear what caused the death of this baby girl.


  • Poor baby – hardly had a chance at life.


  • oh no – this sounds very sad. I hope there wasn’t foul play that resulted in the babies death – and if so I hope the person/s responsible get a lifetime sentence!


  • the death of a baby is always sad.


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