

WARNING for parents about a Snapchat feature that shares your child’s real-time location.

Twelve months ago we shared the original warning about the Snap Map feature (or stalk your friends) which helps users easily connect with their friends online –  a new post shared on social media this week has sparked further fears that it could make children easy targets for predators.

The Map (seen in the video below) clearly shows WHERE your friends are in real-time.

The video which has recently been reshared has attracted over 3 million views and over 81,000 shares just since last Thursday.

Parents are being warned this is a big danger and could be putting children at risk of predators.

It is recommended that location settings are set to private and on ghost mode to prevent further dangers.

The original video was shared in July 2017 by Nadia and Kaye FB page and attracted over 28 million views.

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  • Wow…..glad I dont use that.


  • Some people may not even know it is on their i-phones.
    Are they being watched by others and know nothing of it?
    That is very dangerous.


  • I thought only your friends could see where you were not everybody in Snapchat.


  • Oh my goodness that is very concerning.


  • OMG my disabled son uses snapchat. So vulnerable – I will be checking his phone for this asap.


  • We don’t use Snapchat… Yet. Thanks for the info.


  • I was not aware of this update, so thanks for sharing. I’ve checked my phone and it’s on Ghost Mode, now have to tell my teenager when he gets home from school!


  • Great reminder


  • Thanks for sharing.


  • This feature has been a part of Snapchat for quite awhile. I turned it off as soon as the update was released. It pays to read what the update includes instead of just mindlessly accepting.


  • So scary what can be inadvertently shared. It’s a sad time when you have to be so alert and check everything. But that’s the way it is ????


  • Yeah apps like these should come with a warning or acceptance for location settings. I turn everything off just in case.


  • Terrible these functions that are automatically turned on without you knowing anything about it. Very concerning. Thank you very much for sharing this information. A lot of people use Snapchat. I hope they’ll get to see the videos.


  • So glad we don’t use this feature.


  • I keep mine turned off


  • Already turned off! Technology is a great thing but also a terrifying thing


  • snap chat is not for me anyhow lol. seems quite silly to use an app like that but good to know this information anyhow


  • Thanks for that information. Will be sure to let family and friends know as well


  • Far out, thanks for bringing this to my attention.


  • Ths could be dangerous for anyone!


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