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In news that certainly has people talking Justin Bieber has been announced as the new face of Calvin Klein underwear.

Has it come as a shock? Yes. Why? Well…. I kind of feel like I have watched him grow up and then I’m seeing him in his undies posing seductively… it really puts me off. Though if I was 20 years old I wonder if I would feel the same way.

So I want to put it out there to YOU, who is your favourite Calvin Klein underwear model? Mine is Mark Wahlberg – over to you.

Here is Justin’s CK ad:

Let’s start at the beginning…. here is the first CK underwear advert featuring Tom Hintnaus in 1982

Calvin Klein model Tom Hintnaus

Mark Wahlberg in 1992

Mark Wahlberg  Calvin Klein advert

And more of Mark…

Mark Wahlberg 2 Calvin Klein

Travis Fimmel, an Aussie model who some believe was the inspiration for Samantha’s relationship with Smith (2001 CK advert)

Travis Fimmel Calvin Klein

Djimon Hounsou- 2007

Djimon Hounsou Calvin Klein


Garrett Neff – 2008

Garrett Neff Calvin Klein

Hidetoshi Nakata, a retired Japanese footballer – 2010

Hidetoshi Nakata Calvin Klein

And the MOST recent with Justin Beiber – 2015

Justin Beiber Calvin Klein

So it’s over to you – who is your vote for the BEST CK underwear model? Have we missed anyone? SHARE with us in the comments below.

Main image courtesy of Instagram


  • Travis all the way, not the Beiber, a notiriously poor role model and high school icon.


  • Marky Mark without a doubt! Why is that even a question?


  • Justin Bieber is not cool enough,Djimon Hounson is my favourite.


  • It’s so awkward! I feel like he was only 12 last year…I feel so old now lol


  • My vote is for Mark Wahlberg 🙂


  • My fave would have to be Mark Wahlberg, definitely not Bieber. What exactly has he done except be a disgrace and an obnoxious twat?


  • OMG definitely not Beiber!!!! Best body Travis Fimmel.


  • Definitely Mark Whalberg would have to be up there


  • I dont mind who the males are but finding out it was justin bieber im pretty much over him for the troubles hes been getting into is tht im not interested. He should be in the idiot group with mylie.


  • Travis Fimmel is my favourite. They are getting plenty of people talking about their brand by choosing Justin Beiber though.


  • all of them are way better than Justin Bieber, my fav though would be Marky Marky!! followed very closely by Garrett 🙂


  • marky mark! lol…..or you might know him as mark whalberg.


  • Personally I can’t stand a bar of Bieber but I have to say his body is rather good.
    Although I really can’t see his face that well, I like Tom Hintnaus.


  • Definitely Mark Wahlberg!!! His CK pics get me hot under the collar everytime I see them lol!!!

    Besides a lot of work was done to that little dweeb’s CK pic.


  • I’m going Garrett Neff as well. Not a fan of Justin


  • I’m going to say none of them. James Franco or somebody with a cheeky smiling face would be awesome.

    • Good idea! I definitely agree with you! 🙂

      • Oh yes, he’s a cutie. 😉


  • I’m gonna go with Garett Neff.


  • Travis ! use to have a picture of him on my high school folders


  • Mark Wahlberg


  • Would have to be Justin


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