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If you’ve been following me for a while you would know that I’m big on positive thinking. Let’s face it, nothing good ever came from a negative mindset.

I know when I was overweight I had lots of negative stories that would play over in my mind. “It’s too hard to lose weight.” “I can’t do it.” So when I decided to become a healthy person I realised that thinking this way just wasn’t serving me.

Not only did I need to clean out the pantry and fridge and transform my eating habits – I also needed to transform and declutter my thinking.

One of the ways I did this was with positive affirmations. I know many people who think that positive affirmations don’t work and you know what, if you don’t combine them with actions they won’t work.

Let’s look at those negative thought patterns for a minute. Thoughts like “it’s too hard to lose weight” are actually negative affirmations. Think about the negative things that you tell yourself and I bet that’s exactly how your life looks.

If negative affirmations work, isn’t it worth giving positive affirmations a try?

Below I have included a few of the OLD thought patterns that used to play in my mind and beside them I have written the NEW thoughts. These are more likely to get you closer to your goal weight.

Old negative affirmation VERSUS new positive affirmation:

  • It’s too hard to lose weight VERSUS I will do something every day to get me closer to my health goals. I find losing weight easy.
  • I can’t lose weight VERSUS I will consistently make healthy food choices and include exercise in my day. I am a fat burning machine.
  • I can’t drink 8 glasses of water a day VERSUS I will keep a water bottle with me and gradually build up to my 8 glasses a day. I love water.

Now it’s your turn 

I want you to write down your negative thoughts and then write what your new positive affirmation will be. Once you have done this write your positive affirmations out and put them around the house. Stick them to the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, put them in your car, anywhere that will catch your eye as you go about your day.


You need to take action for the affirmations to work. For example, if you want to make healthy food choices, you need to have healthy food in the fridge and pantry. If you want to exercise regularly, make sure you have comfortable clothing and shoes to wear and write your exercise times into your diary so it happens.

By changing your mindset, you will start to see life differently too.

Here are some more benefits you can expect to see:

  1. You will see the positive in situations, rather than looking for the negative.
  2. Life will seem easier when you view life from a positive lens.
  3. People will seem nicer and more helpful.
  4. You will create a better first impression with others.
  5. You will feel more motivated and find it easier to stick with your goals.
  6. You will notice how much ‘good’ there is in your life and feel more grateful.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “we can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses” the choice is yours in the end.

Was there a time you used positive affirmations to achieve a goal? Post your thoughts in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

  • Positive thinking is just great in general 🙂


  • Thanks for this article. This is the kick up the bum I need!


  • I believe this too! 100%…however changing your mindset is the hardest part. Once that’s done the sky’s the limit! 🙂

    • I could not agree more! I have had so many people have amazing breakthroughs over the years and almost all have started with a shift in mindset. 🙂


  • I love this, thank you.


  • Diet and exercise will also help you lose weight 🙂


  • Absolutely true. We all need reminders to think this way, it certainly goes along way to getting you where you want to be. Thanks


  • The mind is certainly a powerful thing.


  • The negatives often result in depression. If it gets too severe you either don’t eat or you comfort eat. If you don’t eat your body stores fat to use gradually so you either lose no weight or stay at the same weight. If you comfort eat unless it is low sugar content fruit or vegetables you are likely to gain weight and it becomes a vicious circle. Some fruit contains more sugar than others.

    • The mind can either make us or break us, the key is catching it before it has a chance to break us.


  • Always look on the bright side of life! I think about other people who have achieved things and use this as motivation and positive thinking to set my own goals.


  • Thank you for reminding me that I need to change my mindset if I want to change the outcome.

    • You’re welcome 🙂 We can all do with a reminder sometimes.


  • The power of seeing the glass half full or half empty!
    Yes, during my infertility treatment there were times I just wanted to give up. But then slowly I tried to treat my body the best way I could. And then I let the doctors do their job. If it wasn’t going to function again, at least I knew I had done everything that was possible from my side.


  • Being positive in everything you do in your life is the only way to live.

    • I agree – it is the only way to live and grow.


  • I always look a the positives as the negatives go absolutely nowhere. There is always potential and growth in the positives and stagnation and loss in negativity. Thanks for sharing your article.


  • Yes, this is great. Yes I have done this but not for a while .Thank you for the reminder


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