

A man sued by his own parents for refusing to leave home has been ordered out by a judge.

New York State Supreme Court Judge Donald Greenwood told the court enough was enough.

“I want you out of that household,” he said to the 30 year old.

The suit filed earlier this month in Onondaga County Supreme Court, Mark and Christina Rotondo revealed they wanted their son Michael out for good, shares 9 news.

They claim he contributes nothing to the house or to the family in any way.

“Michael, after a discussion with your mother, we have decided that you must leave this house immediately,” the February 2 document reads, “Mark and Christina Rotondo.”

“You have 14 days to vacate. You will not be allowed to return. We will take whatever actions are necessary to enforce this decision.”

Other court documents also reveal he has shown no signs of moving out and warned of further legal action if he didn’t comply.

The couple’s son moved back home more than eight years ago after losing his job and he no longer speaks to his parents, who did not comment following the court ruling.

The son said he planned to appeal Judge Greenwood’s decision and wasn’t sure where he was now going to stay, ABC News reported.

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  • Good on the parents I say. At 30yrs of age he needs to stand on his own two feet and 8yrs of free accommodation is more then enough help.


  • It’s a bit extreme going to court over it. It’s a bit sad the son feels as though he’s entitled to still live with his parents and not contribute anything. Maybe if he paid his way and helped out round the home his parents wouldn’t be so keen to get rid of him


  • I think this is funny – it could happen to anyone I guess. But on a more serious side, obviously the parents are feeling used and it needs to stop.


  • My youngest who is 35 still lives at home as he can’t get any work. While here though he looks after my little dog and exercises her, he does housework and any chores we need done whether inside or outside. He does have an online proofreading business which doesn’t bring in enough money to pay rent on a place of his own but it gives him pocket money.


  • Most young adults are itching to be out on there own and I am surprised by 30 that anyone would still be living with their parents. There are exceptional circumstances such as job loss or ill health; but surely then it would be a hand up to get back on one’s own feet not a long term arrangement.


  • I support them totally but am very sad that it has to come to that. Your parents have spent the best years of their life in raising and supporting their children and they should be able to enjoy their further years.


  • Wow. You are 30 dude, it’s time you started fending for yourself and paying your way. It sounds like he is estranged from his parents anyway so I don’t see how he thinks that he can continue on living there taking advantage of them!


  • What an entitled adult child. So sad and ridiculous it has come to this, but his parents are obviously at their wits end with nowhere to turn. I was married at 20 and living in my built home with a mortgage. Our parents do not owe us anything once we are adults and I’m shocked and horrified by the number of kids/grown adults (and I know a few of them) who feel it’s their right to return home to their parents for support when they need to either save money or when they’re in financial trouble. Your parents have done their job. Sort your life out.


  • Terrible it had to come to this, but the poor parents can’t even sell their house should they wish to do so with another man who refuses to leave living in it even if he is their sonm.

    • Being independent is a wonderful step in reaching adulthood and the aim is surely to stand on your own two feet and of course get some support in the short term if you do need it.


  • So sad that it reached this point, though…


  • It must be terrible to live in the same house and not talking to each other. I kind of understand the parents’ position though. It’s their house. And if they think their son is just taking advantage of the situation, they don’t need to explain themselves. And they have the right to ask him to move out.


  • I feel sorry for both the parents and the son. I wonder how and when things started to go wrong and this man lost the motivation to get on with his own life. I hope he finds guidance and help to get on with his life in a healthy and productive way. With so many 20-somethings staying at home longer, I wonder if this is a sign of things to come – courts being clogged up with cases of children not wanting to move out?


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