

Orange juice is healthier for you if it has been frozen and defrosted, according to research.

Scientists have discovered the body may absorb more of the orange’s antioxidants from defrosted juice than it does from fresh or pasteurised juice, according to Daily Mail.

When orange juice is frozen and thawed out, health-giving elements of the juice are broken down into smaller particles which are easier for the intestines to soak up.

These particles, called carotenoids, are thought to have cancer-fighting properties, can be converted to vitamin A, and have anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits which may help to prevent heart disease.

The research by the University of Seville studied how freezing or pasteurising – sterilising with heat – orange juice affected the antioxidants.

They believe freezing, which is done in the food industry to preserve juice, improves the healthiness of the juice and now hope to test their theory outside of the lab.

‘Despite the fact that the concentration of carotenoids in the deep-frozen juices was less than in the fresh juice, the reduction in the size of the particles and the destruction of the cellular material that these treatments produce mean that the amount of carotenoids that can be absorbed by the intestine is higher,’ said study co-author Paula Mapelli.

More details here

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  • Thanks for the info! Was useful to read. My kids like orahge juice so much!


  • Always learning something new and different


  • Well blow me down…HAVE NOT HEARD OF THIS TILL NOW.


  • Wow! I never knew – thanks for sharing!


  • You learn something new everyday. thanks for sharing.


  • Eating an orange is still healthier.


  • This is news to me. Really interesting to know. Will give it a try


  • Yum, great excuse for icy cold juice on a hot summers day.


  • interesting concept – I will be looking forward to hearing more on this study down the track – my husband and one of our daughter’s LOVE OJ so if I can make it even better for them then i am totally interested.


  • The link to the article is not working? :(

    • We prefer fresh juice – a whole lot of fun squeezing juice.


  • This article states that juice is a popular breakfast staple. I wonder if that is true ? Yes, maybe in the States and in the UK..


  • You are never to old to learn something new !


  • Nice it becomes healthier after freezing, but since juice isn’t t such healthy option it isn’t that interesting to me.


  • Good read, I’m not sure I’d like to drink it that way though too cold for teeth. Kids would love it though


  • Very interesting, something to remember when the oranges are in excess.


  • This is interesting. Also, eating re-heated pasta/rice is better for you too.


  • this is really interesting. I wonder if lemons have the same reaction.


  • Unfortunately space in my freezer would stop me doing this. There’s already enough in there!


  • We don’t have orange juice very often, but we do freeze milk regularly, I wonder if it has the same affect on milk


  • I didn’t know that. Thanks for letting us know.


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