

William Tyrrell’s biological grandmother has told investigators they’re ‘wasting their time’ as the new search enters its third day.

Natalie Collins, 59, says she knows in her heart that the toddler is dead and the new search for clues is a waste of taxpayers’ money as officers continue searching through Kendall bushland on Friday.

“The police are wasting good taxpayers’ money and their time, they’re never going to find William — I just know in my heart he’s dead,” she told The Daily Telegraph.

His grandmother is adamant William was taken from them, a thought shared by the boy’s father.

“I know exactly what’s happened, someone’s taken him and done something to him. Brendan (William’s father) says it, too, he believes William’s gone,” she said.

People are outraged on social media saying she should be thankful for the opportunity to get some closure. While others say the poor family has suffered enough and they most likely just want to put it all behind them after so long.

Yesterday we shared how Detectives Found a Clue in Bushland Where William Tyrrell Went Missing – read more here.

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  • I am glad that they now have answers.


  • The family needs to know what happened.


  • That’s very odd coming from the family. Despite how they may feel, it is more than likely that a crime has been committed and in order to get a conviction the police need to keep searching. At the moment the monster that took him, if that is what happened, is still out there free to do the same again.


  • I think we have an obligation to William to keep looking until we find him. Dead or alive.


  • I think as a community we want closure on this. We want to know how and why so that it can never happen again, to any of us. I understand the trauma for the family, but surely they want closure. A reason why.


  • As family, I can’t comprehend or start to understand why you’d stop giving up. Even if it meant spending more to find an answer so you can grieve properly knowing the outcome.


  • At face value her comments seem not what one would expect, it seems to imply she knows something. The only other explanation is that the pain of uncertainty for so long has taken such a toll they don’t want to deal with wounds being reopened when they have told themselves he surely must have died.


  • you cannot honestly put it behind you until you know for certain what has happened – if he is dead he still needs to be found and laid to rest – only then will his family be able to say a proper goodbye and then properly start to heal.

    I think its very disheartening to hear that they think he is dead and have given up hope

    I cannot imagine how hard this is on all the police staff working on this case for so long to want to be able to say with certainty what happened and also find his abductor – I am keeping my fingers crossed that this time they find something that gets a result


  • Most people would not care about tax payer money being used in the search for William. I would be so grateful for the continued search and support. It must be difficult for the family to have no closure.


  • Funny thing to say. I wonder if granny knows more than she’s saying.


  • Why would you not want to know conclusively exactly what happened to this young man.?


  • Someone has let the wonderful little boy down, taken advantage of a youngster in the system. Someone knows something. It is for “William” closure is required. You don’t just throw up the hands and go ‘oh well.’ ‘That’s that’.
    Sometimes its a case that won’t close until a person or body found. People don’t vanish from play in front yards.


  • I’d want closure and need to know one way or the other. Such a sad story how could anyone hurt an innocent child.


  • I also agree ..I would want to know one way or another. This family needs answers and needs closure.

    • I agree – the unknown would be agonising. It is the human condition to need and want answers.


  • Even if he is dead, doesn’t she want to know what happened to him for closure?


  • No matter what I suspected, I’d want to know for sure.


  • Indeed, you just want to know. You keep hoping and you can’t really go on with your life. I hope the Police will be able to solve this terrible disappearance. So many years have passed but still everything is possible.


  • If it was me, I would want conclusive evidence one way or the other, more then what’s ‘in my heart’ it must be awful not knowing


  • Why would you not want the closure? There are so many other missing children who haven’t got as much air time and grandma wants to knock it back??


  • I wonder if the police know more than they are letting on, because I don’t understand why the large search now, so many years after the abduction.


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