

A 27-year-old mother has been charged with child neglect after her baby boy was taken to hospital in April.

Doctors told police the boy will be left with permanent disabilities, after suffering brain, eye and spinal cord injuries.

A Western Sydney mother will face court next month after being charged with child neglect, shares NSW police in a statement.

On Tuesday 17 April 2018, police were notified after a seven-week-old boy presented at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead suffering ongoing seizures.

Officers were told by doctors the boy had suffered brain, eye, and spinal injuries, which has left him with permanent disabilities. The child is now in the care of relatives.

Detectives from State Crime Command’s Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad established Strike Force Yarrabee to investigate how the child came to be injured.

Following extensive investigations, strike force detectives arrested a 27-year-old woman at a home at Dundas just before 9am yesterday (Wednesday 20 June 2018).

She was taken to Granville Police Station and charged with not provide for child cause danger of serious injury.

Police will allege in court the child had been suffering seizures for at least 24 hours before the woman sought medical attention.

The woman was granted bail and is due to appear at Parramatta Local Court on Tuesday 17 July 2018.

Investigations into the circumstances surrounding the boy’s injuries are continuing.

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  • Absolute neglect! Leave a child for over 24 hours without seeking medical attention! Tragic and horrendous!


  • If it was a toddler with epilepsy I could understand the injuries to a certain extent but immediate treatment must be given in that situation. If you fall onto anything hard you can sustain considerably serious injuries. I know of cases where older children and adults have broken their backs and other bones, hit their head and split a section open or got a black eye if they hit something sharp such as the edge of furniture. Most of those things would not be likely to happen to a baby unless a baby had a very bad seizure in the cot.


  • A new mom – child having seizures. I wouldn’t have known how to cope with a seven week old baby if it was having seizures [I wouldn’t know it was having seizures]. Stop having a go at this mom – how did you cope with a seven week old baby? Social media and PC police again


  • the poor little child. This is shocking.


  • Poor little darling. Trouble is the mother can just turn around and have another baby to abuse. I pray this doesn’t happen.


  • Pretty slack mother, some just shouldn’t reproduce.


  • The poor little darling – such neglect is unspeakable.


  • How awful the poor little thing.


  • Praying for this little sweetie.


  • How awful. I hope they get to the bottom of why it happened quickly. They could prevent it happening to another baby.


  • Unbelievable that a mother can do that to her child. :-(


  • Poor child. There are so many of these cases :(


  • Very sad to hear the mother is responsible.


  • How can a mother let their child suffer for at least 24 hours before seeking medical help? Lock her up and throw away the key, along with whoever inflicted the injuries


  • Stories like this break my heart – I cannot understand how someone can hurt/neglect a child ….

    • I struggle with understanding this too! :(


  • My heart breaks whenever I hear about poor innocent children not being looked after.


  • Poor baby how can someone hurt a little angle


  • How people can hurt babies and children is beyond my comprehension. People who do this are monsters and need to be locked away. This poor little baby will not be able to lead a ‘normal’ life now thanks to his own mother. Someone who was mean to be protecting him. It makes me so distressed to read things like this :(


  • poor little mite


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