
A woman is warning others that she a pedicure that she had at a professional salon almost caused her to lose a leg.

Tracy Lynn Martinez, from North Carolina in the US, said that she contracted a serious infection in her foot after having a pedicure at her local beauty salon. She said this was caused by a callus cutter, as reported by CBS News

“I just wanted to share my story to save someone from going [through] what I’m going through or even death,” Martinez wrote on Facebook. She says she went to a “grade A salon” in Winston Salem, which she believed was very clean. “The whirlpool baths have the disposable bags, and they bring the new fresh tools in a new bag,” she says, “but also bring a nice bacteria infected callus cutter too.”

Her heel had been cut twice from the callus cutter, but thought nothing of it at first, WFMY reports.

It All Started Going Wrong

Martinez said a day after the pedicure, she started getting major chills. She was vomiting and thought she had a cold. But she started walking off balance and her leg was swollen, she realised there was something very wrong.

“I am ambulance to the Emergency Room to find out I am toxic and have a serious case of cellulitis caused by a strep infection in my blood stream caused by the scrapes on the outside of my heel from the the callus cutter,” she wrote in her warning Facebook post.

“I have been through hell, pain, shock, all of it…. But I want to raise awareness,” Martinez wrote. Martinez did not disclose the identity of the salon, but wants others to learn from her experience, urging others to “Say NO to the callus cutters/shavers.”


These Tools Cannot Be Disinfected

Martinez says the tools are actually not permitted in local salons, something which she only found out after the incident. “There is no way to properly disinfect this tool to continually [use] on people. I no longer recommend pedicures but definitely say NO to these callus shavers if you do go!” she wrote.

Was I Going To Lose My Leg…Or My Life

Martinez says she was in hospital for two weeks and is still recovering. She will be on medication for the next three months. The 35-year-old says she has to wear compression stockings for life to protect the leg from another infection. She will also be on another medication for the rest of her life.

“Every day was a new chapter of what was going to happen to my leg. Was I going to lose my leg? Was I going to lose my life?” Martinez said.

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  • I feel like she has things a little confused. We all have the bacteria that can cause cellulitis on our skin. If there is a cut to the skin in anyway it can enter the blood stream. This can happy with a mozzie bite as I have had happen. Once the cellulitis starts if you dont get it seen to quickly by a Doctor it can be very serious and you can die from blood poisioning. The place that she visited might be 100% clean and safe and its just one of those things that happened to her. Once yoy have had a case of cellulitis you are more prone to it and you must treat any breaks to the skin seriously. They need to be disinfected and covered.


  • Because of my disability I have my toenails cut by a qualified Podiatrist. ALL of the equipment she uses is in professionally sealed bags labelled sterilized.


  • Scary! There are certain types of nail salons that I would not go to for this very reason.


  • Oh no. This is a terrible. What a scary experience for this woman!!! :-(


  • Very scary. I have heard a number of stories of nasty infections from unsterilised equipment.


  • OMG that’s horrible. I usually get a pedicure once a year. Maybe I’ll rethink and save my money and my health.


  • God, that is terrible. I am always really particular about where I go for a pedicure. Hygienic and cleanliness are the priorities.


  • Oh that is awful – so lucky she lived through it and didn’t lose her leg!


  • That is just awful, Glad I don’t go to these salons.


  • Oh my goodness, that looks really bad. Glad she didn’t lose her life or her leg, sounds like it was a close call. No nail salons for me !


  • So glad that I still do everything myself to my feet and hand nails.


  • Gee that is really scary, I am so glad I don’t go to nail salons. I’ve had friends have fingernails infected so I’m not taking the risk. I do mine at home.


  • Oh ouch the poor woman. Puts me off from having them


  • Oh dear I don’t like getting pedicures done anymore after seeing these photos I would rather do pedicure at home it’s safer


  • Wow that went really wrong!


  • This is why l am not confident going to beauty salon’s!


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