

Woolworths have just released a couple of different hot cross bun flavours and we are really not sure how we feel about it…

Woolworths Head of Bakery, Ben Thompson, said: “This year, Woolworths is adding another layer of decadence to your seasonal treats with two new additions to 2019’s hot cross bun lineup.

“The limited-edition flavours of Banana & Caramel and Raspberry & White Choc have the perfect combination of dessert-like sweetness to compliment the classic fruit inclusions.”

hot cross 2 hot cross bun

“Our team of bakers had a lot of fun sampling new flavour combinations to come up with these two additions to the Easter range and we are confident they’re going to become a hot favourite with our customers.”

The limited edition flavours available now for $3.50

Are you keen to try?

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  • I will stick to the usual please.


  • I’d prefer the White Chocolate and Raspberry.


  • I’m sad that hot cross buns are over for another year!


  • The raspberry and white chocolate would be yum, without the mixed fruit and spices found in an original hot cross bun mind you


  • The original is always the best.


  • Nahhh. I tend to try the new ones and always revert back to the original. Let’s not mess with a good thing.


  • I usually buy the fruitless hot cross buns for myself and traditional for rest of family. Will definitely be on the lookout for the banana and caramel ones to give them a go.


  • Both flavours sound very appealing especially the banana and caramel as I am addicted to caramel. Shame they do not do the same flavours at Coles.
    Why do these stores start making hot cross buns at Christmas as they are on the shelves almost from January 1. There should be at least 2 months space before hot cross buns are put on the shelves for sale.


  • Tried these but was disappointed. The buns were way too dry. I do like trying the different flavours though.


  • they should’ve been making all hot cross buns 2 weeks ago not january where does christmas finish and easter start .that’s more an issue than anatomically correct plastic animals


  • They both sound delicious,will look out for them!


  • I’m already against tradition because I don’t like sultanas and go choc chip. these flavours sound amazing and I’d love to try!


  • Got cross buns are delicious no matter the flavour! Personally I can’t go past traditional, but I really wish they would put the lemon peel in like they used to!


  • I love the traditional flavour too much to want something different!… plus I bet they don’t do gluten free versions! (eitherway white chocolate is chocolate with all the goodness taken out! why would they do that?)


  • Yum. I must try


  • Brumby’s had the White Chocolate & Raspberry hot cross buns about 3 yrs ago they were delicious!! Not sure about banana & caramel hot cross buns though!!


  • They sound delicious and will definitely give them a go – always good to try new flavours. White choc and raspberry is particularly tempting!

    • I love creativity with cooking and different flavours.


  • only choc chip for me and even then it is under protest and not until good friday, mum’s rules and I wouldn’t be game enough to test that woman!!


  • They both sound nice! I will deff pick up a packet of each.


  • They sound delicious but I don’t won’t be buying the Banana & Caramel one. Caramel is basically sugar. Some people put salt in it too.


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