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We make hundreds of decisions every day. When will I get out of bed? Will I have a shower now? What will I have for breakfast? Etc etc. However, some decisions are much easier to make than others!

It’s when it comes to decisions about things you haven’t done before, or stepping out of your comfort zone, or walking into unknown territory that make things a bit trickier – it’s times like these when people may tend to avoid responsibility  and get stuck sitting on the fence for fear of making a decision they will regret!

But you deserve better than that – it’s time to get in the habit of making decisions so you can move forward and enjoy the life you deserve instead of being held back by confusion!

It’s better to do something than do nothing at all. Use the formula below to clear the confusion and make a decision, and view every choice as being the right choice regardless of the consequences. Choose to believe whatever road you take is the direction you need to go in order to learn something new, whether it is good, bad or otherwise.

1. Identify the Decision to be made (what goal or end result do you want to achieve?)
2. List your options (Identify all the possible options and get more information on each option)
3. Study your options (what are the advantages and disadvantages of each option -consider both extremes and then ask yourself “and then what?” If the worst extreme happens, then what?
4. Make your Decision (Choose the best solution accepting the risk of a possible unfavourable outcome).
5. Carry out your decision with confidence (knowing this is the right decision at the right time).
6. Focus on your desired outcome (eliminate doubt).

Once a decision is made, for your own sanity, you will have to follow through. You must be willing to back yourself and have confidence for a positive outcome, rather than tormenting yourself by swaying back and forth on whether you made the right decision or not. No matter what decision you make, there will always be prices to pay and benefits to reap from every decision. I love the following quote “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.” Zig Ziglar

This week’s challenge: Have you been sitting on the fence avoiding making a decision on anything? If you tend to struggle when it comes to making decisions and you want to put an end to your confusion, then use the provided formula to help you make a decision and move on!

If you still have trouble following through, then have a FREE Coaching Session with Kerry Townsend of Mothers Toolkit and gain insight into what’s holding you back and why.

`FREE Your Time` 1 on 1 Online Coaching Program with specialist ‘Mother Coach’ Kerry Townsend can also help you with tailored solutions to suit your specific needs and lifestyle, and formulate a simple, achievable plan to conquer your confusion and time management challenges.

Until next week, Be True, Be You, Be Happy!

  • As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realised that overthinking decisions rarely improves the outcome.


  • I’ve always struggled with this. I’m great at doing this for a big decision, but little decisions are sometimes what I struggle with (e.g. what’s for dinner).


  • The wrong decision is better than indecision. At the end of the day, make a choice and stick to your guns


  • I am hopeless at making decisions. And when I finally decide on something, I worry if it’s the right choice. Hopeless


  • So me! Sometimes. Sometimes I just know exactly which way I want to go


  • Hmmm, I can be a fence sitter. And I don’t know why because I always feel better when I have made a decision. Some decisions are life changing though so they really need a lot of careful consideration


  • These times are tough and test us for sure, that’s where love and support of family and friends is important.


  • yeah i hate having to make decisions but that is what being an adult is about lol


  • I definitely have these moments thats for sure


  • I find it helps to stop and think about how important the decision is – if it’s not major, make it fast and move on. There’s very little you can’t fix, so save your energy for the big decisions with big consequences.


  • Very good hints to remember, now to implement them as have some big decisions. I think I will still struggle with but hopefully will be easier with these


  • Some great tips for us to implement into our lives.


  • The follow through can be tough to do.


  • I don’t have a problem with small decisions, but when it comes to major decisions, I can take forever to decide what to do. I over-think a lot of things, when I don’t need to. I’ll definitely try some of the points in this article. Thanks for hopefully helping me!


  • Lol I might look at implementing those tips for the small decisions I can never make..big ones I seem fine with for some reason, but little ones like what to have for dinner, what movie to see, I can’t do.


  • Thanks for posting this great article, I enjoyed reading it.


  • I am always indecisive do I or dont I
    I think I am like this is because I am scared to make a decision as it could be the wrong one or is it the right one


  • I sometimes find it hard to make a decision, I like to way the pros and cons before I do

    • I do the same to by weighing pros/cos, make it somewhat easier to finally decide.


  • great article and straight to the point


  • thank you for posting this


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