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Wackadoo! If you’ve got a bub on the way, you’ll be barking mad not to get a Bluey birth certificate for your newborn.

We are loving all the Bluey merchandise on offer these days. It started with the plush toys, books and figurines. Then a whole range of Bluey clothes has just launched in Kmart, Target and Big W. There’s even a Bluey stage show heading around the country from May. And now you can order an adorable commemorative Bluey birth certificate featuring Australia’s favourite Queensland Heeler family.

Unfortunately, if you don’t live in Queensland, you may want to consider making a temporary move to the Sunshine State as the Bluey birth certificate is only available in Queensland…for now. But we reckon, it won’t be long before the rest of the country is catching on to the craze.

The Bluey birth certificate was born as a collaboration between BBC Studios and the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Queensland and features three commemorative certificates inspired by the popular animated series.

Three Bluey Bith Certificates To Choose From

Each design was created by the team behind Bluey, Brisbane-based, Ludo Studio. There’s one with Bluey in a quintessential Queensland neighbourhood with frangipani and jacaranda lined streets. Then there’s another one featuring Bluey with a view of Brisbane’s skyline from the Heeler family’s verandah and the third one stars the entire Heeler family on one of Queensland’s gorgeous beaches.

Three Bluey Birth certificates

The good news is that you don’t have to only be a newborn to get a Bluey birth certificate. They can be purchased at any time, for people of any age. However, the catch is that they have to have been born or adopted in Queensland and their birth registered with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

How To Order Your Bluey Birth Certificate

You can order your commemorative Bluey birth certificate online at www.qld.gov.au/bluey.

Commemorative certificates are keepsakes and not official identity documents and cost $25.75 each.

Would you be keen to get you or your child a Bluey birth certificate? Or perhaps some Bluey PJ’s? tell us in the comments below.

  • I would want to know that I could also have a traditional one.


  • Not for me. I like the traditional birth certificates


  • As long as there’s an official one Bluey is a cute one to frame and have on display


  • They aren’t the legal copies so if you like them – why not!


  • Super cute. We love all things bluey in this house. Kids Easter presents are the new bluey range of clothes I managed to score at big w


  • This is a good idea


  • MY son absolutely adores Bluey and every time it is in tv he calls us all in to come and watch. I will have to keep my eye out for the pajamas because he would love those.


  • i am big fan of it


  • I was so excited until I read that you need to be a QLD resident.


  • All family members were born in WA so I won’t be getting these. Would have made a nice gift for someone turning 18 too.


  • Omg!! This is next level and I’m so onboard with this! I adore bluey and her entire family, I even find I love bluey more than my 1 year old does. She comes down for a boogie to the theme song then I’m left giggling at the rest of the episode


  • Not a fan of merchandising birth certificates. Not even sure my kids would like it or it would be around if they are older. I always choose to buy lisenced clothi mg for kids after they decided who they liked.

    Also not sure how many people put these decorative birth certificates out on display so I don’t see the point


  • So these are not relevant to me, but perhaps one day when I have Grandchildren. It’s not something that I think anyone needs. It’s more for show isn’t it as it wouldn’t be classified as a legal version of the original document?


  • It’s a bit like with the Build-a-Bears which come with a birth certificate. I prefer the Build a Bears above these Bluey’s


  • Being from Vic, I’d LOVE to get one of these for my little guy…. he loves it when “puppys” are on tv…. and being only “commemorative”, something like this to have in a scrap book to look back on would be so very awesome…. Hurry up Victoria!!!


  • I don’t think when they grow up they will want a bluey birth certificate


  • Are the legal birth certificates or gimmicky? If they are legal i don’t Think your child would appreciate having a bluey birth certificate when they are 20?


  • Probably wouldn’t bother, if it was more something like pooh bear or something I might but it’s not something I’d really be interested in


  • I love bluey but my kids are not big fans of it.


  • I don’t know that I’d want a birth certificate that basically features advertising.


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