

A five-year-old boy has reportedly died after being stabbed during a domestic dispute in Sydney.

The child was left with serious stab wounds after the incident at a home in Carlingford in the city’s north-west on Friday morning.

The boy’s grandmother took the boy to nearby Mosley Street to call triple zero, NSW Police said.

He was rushed to Westmead Children’s Hospital, where he died, according Ten News.

A man known to the boy has been arrested.

Police Statement: A child has died in hospital after an incident at Carlingford this morning.

Emergency services were called to Moseley Street, Carlingford, about 7am (Friday 8 June 2018), after reports a child was stabbed. Upon arrival, they found a five-year-old boy with stab wounds. He was taken to Westmead Children’s Hospital by police escort in a critical condition, where he later died.

A woman, aged in hers 60s, was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics for shock. A 36-year-old man who is known to the boy was arrested nearby and taken to Castle Hill Police Station. A second crime scene has been established at a home on Paul Place. Investigations are continuing.

Heroic grandmother tried to save her young grandson

The grandmother desperately tried to save her five-year-old grandson who sadly died after being stabbed during a domestic dispute.

The boy was stabbed at his home in Carlingford about 7am on Friday and died at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead an hour later.

“What’s very clear is that it’s been a horrible and brutal crime against a very young, defenceless boy,” NSW Police Superintendent Rob Critchlow, from The Hills Police Area Command, told reporters.

Supt Critchlow said the grandmother drove the boy to Moseley Street after the attack and called triple-0, shares 7 news.

“She’s behaved in a heroic and caring manner as you would imagine a grandmother would,” he said.

“She’s been presented with something terrible and done her best to get the young boy to safety and to get him treatment.

“Sadly, despite her best efforts, there was nothing more she could have done.

“We’re grateful to her for what she did at the scene.”

Supt Critchlow said the grandmother drove the boy to Moseley Street to get help.

“I think the realisation came to her in this street that he was so unwell that she needed to get some expert assistance,” he said.

“An ambulance was summoned and they were here very quickly as were police from my command.

“They worked as a unit to make sure he was stable, and then there was a very urgent and high-speed run conducted from here to Westmead to make sure he got the best possible treatment from the experts in trauma at Westmead.

“Despite what I’m told is amazing, dedicated and valiant efforts by the medical staff, they were unable to save him.”

“The level of violence is horrendous,” Supt Critchlow said.

“It goes without saying that the fact that a young boy, five years of age, died from being injured in his home – it’s probably about as bad as it gets.”

Inquiries are continuing. More details to come.

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  • What a horrendous act! That poor child! My heart goes out to the grandmother who tried all she could to save him!


  • That poor grandma. My heart goes out to her …


  • This shouldn’t even happen, especially in the safety of his home! Such a terrible thing to read about


  • such a shame that this is the end result, may he rest in peace. He was very lucky to have a grandmother like her who tried her very best to help him.

    I do hope the person who caused these wounds to the little boy goes away for life!


  • What a pity grandma couldn’t have seen the storm coming and got the boy out of the danger zone


  • This is so terrible. I hope whoever is responsible is punished severely and never sees the light of day again.


  • The poor boy. I feel for the grandmother, what a horrible thing to go through


  • OMG!!!! Such a horrific tragedy. I feel for that grandmother so much, my heart breaks for her :(


  • This makes me sick to the stomach that a child had to endure such terror as this :( the poor grandma


  • Such a sad story…..there is too much violence around.


  • The poor little darling – this is such a vile crime.

    • I hope the law punishes to fit this vile crime.


  • A 5yr old stabbed ! Very sad and shocking news. May God rest his soul and give comfort to the grandmother and other family members.


  • This is so sad, I feel so sad for the poor Grandmother what a terrible thing to go through.


  • It’s just so unfair when a child gets caught up in adult problems. What a poor kid to have a dad like that :(


  • I can’t believe a father could do this. Horrendous.


  • I’m suspecting drugs and/or mental illness. What other reason is there for stabbing your own son to death?! A shocking, hate filled crime


  • So very sad to read andhe was so young.R.I.P.


  • What an awful thing to go through.


  • Prays and thoughts are with this little angel and his family.


  • This is so, so tragic. Poor young little boy. My condolences to his grandmother and family.


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