

A WOMAN is being questioned by police after allegedly soaking her sleeping husband in petrol and setting him on fire.

Emergency crews were called to the couple’s Wattle Road home in Macleod around 6am on Wednesday.

They arrived to find a 49-year-old man with critical burns to his face, feet and hands.

It’s understood the man was asleep in a bedroom on the second floor of the family’s two-storey home when his wife allegedly walked in, doused him in flammable liquid and set him alight.

He was reportedly hosed down by firefighters in the stairwell before being rushed to the Alfred hospital where he remains this afternoon in a critical condition.

His 36-year-old wife was arrested at the scene and spent the morning under police guard in hospital.

She was released from hospital a short time ago and is being questioned by detectives.

Police said the couple’s 11-year-old son was home at the time and tried to help his father after being woken by his agonising screams.

The boy was assessed for smoke inhalation at the scene before being taken to Austin Hospital for observation.

It’s understood the family only moved into the area two years ago after relocating from China.

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  • Oh wow how traumatic. I wonder what was going on in that family for that extreme of an action. That poor child and his father will need some serious therapy after his recovery and I certainly hope he does recover well.


  • Any chance of an update? Is the man recovering?? I know of the same thing happening a few years ago, except it was boiling hot cooking oil the woman set alight. Unfortunately the guy didn’t make it and died about a week later.


  • Something definitely majorly wrong in this family. Can’t say I was surprised to read they’re originally from China. Seeing the dog festival they hold every year and the torture these people inflict on the dogs…….they are a different level of people with a total lack of respect and love for living things. They don’t value life as we do, everything alive is disposable to them

    • Did you actually read your comment before posting it? Racist, much? Ever heard of Lauren Huxley? She was doused in petrol and set alight too, by a Caucasian male. Do all Caucasian males do these things? No. Yes, there is the dog festival in China and yes, it is vile and abhorrent event that needs to be demolished, but it’s not something that happens all over China and not all Chinese people participate in it. Perhaps you should refrain from pegging your bigoted views onto a whole nation as the act of one person or one region does not speak for the rest of the nation. Not sure if you got the memo, but we’re in 2018 now. Sheesh.


  • How traumatic for both the father and his son.


  • Hope and pray this father recovers totally and quickly. What a traumatic incident to witness for this 11 year old son. Hope he and dad get all the support and help they need.


  • I heard the father was in a critical condition – how I feel for this young boy. Wonder what will happen to him if his dad dies, and feel he will never truly get over this. Such a sad story.


  • That poor child will live with that trauma now for the rest of his life :(


  • Terrible. :-(


  • The poor kid will be haunted by this for the rest of his life, I hope his father recovers fast


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