
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. Halloween turned into a real-life fright night for parents of a little girl, who was rushed to hospital for ingesting an ‘unknown substance’ during trick or treating in Melbourne.

The pre-school aged child was taking part in the Halloween fun at Bacchus Marsh when she started to feel sick.

It is understood that the girl ate prescription pills, thinking they were lollies, as reported in the Herald Sun.

The girl’s mum soon noticed that her daughter was looking ill and called for an ambulance.

The child was taken to Sunshine Hospital, where she remains in a stable condition.

How Did This Happen?

Police are investigating the incident and have not confirmed whether there is foul play involved.

“Investigators have been told that the child may have ingested a prescription medication and are currently making inquiries as to how this happened,” Victoria Police said in a statement.

“Police have not received any other reports of any similar incidents in the area.”

How do you ensure your child stays safe on Halloween? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • I would love to know what the outcome of this was. it very much sounds like the Mum was aware of what had happened as if your child was feeling sick wouldnt you just take them home? Sounds as if perhaps they were her mothers meds that perhaps she had in her handbag or something.


  • I don’t really like the idea of Halloween and my eldest is 3 so he hadn’t asked top drop it yet. How scary for the family!


  • I heard about this, the poor thing. Hope she recovered quickly


  • I really don’t like Halloween and everything it represents, my children will not be treat or tricking.


  • Wow! I hope she’s ok and this was all an accident!! If not, that is a disgusting joke and you deserve to go to jail!! We only participate in community or church halloween events, its things like this and grumpy neighbours that have ruined halloween for kids these days!


  • Poor girl. Hope she is ok now.


  • It certainly raises questions, thankfully the girl is ok.


  • That is horrible to hear. I wonder if it was someone with dementia that was unaware of what they were doing. Hate to think it was on purpose.


  • Someone has failed this little girl and I really hope they are held to account.


  • Oh my goodness, how scary.


  • How awful! With the way the world is activities like this are becoming less safe.


  • Terrible! Just terrible!


  • This is absolutely horrible. How terrifying for the child and family.


  • I can’t believe this happened and it raises so many questions. Just glad to see the little girl is okay. But vigilance is key. Checking everything your child receives before allowing them to eat it.


  • It is a case of having to check what is collected. Hopefully it was a mistake, do not even want to think if this was done on purpose.


  • Most children would not think of the risks. Some aren’t old enough to understand and the older ones are just busy having fun


  • I do so hope this wasn’t deliberate … so scary!


  • That is so scary, I don’t take mine so they are safe from this


  • Poor thing. Hope she recovers quickly and the police get to the bottom of this tragity


  • I hope she will be okay but I’m also praying this was not done on purpose. This is another reason why I don’t agree with Halloween Trick or Treat.


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