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Zoe Foster Blake took to Instagram to share her top tips to help with a windy baby.

Zoe shared that unlike her brother and father, newborn Rudy struggles to expel air.

Zoe explains, that it also doesn’t help that her milk flow is set to 200km/ph and baby Rudy is a “gulpy, anguished, scrunched-up, yelly, crying, non-sleeping little Gollum unless she does stuff (tilted feeding etc) to limit gassiness.”

“I know it will pass, but still. There’s no risk of me being considered an expert, but these anti-wind aids were recommended to me, and I now I piff them to you. Cos maybe they will help get you some goddamn sleep.”

1. The Cooconababy nest. 

“After a few shit nights of her in the bassinet, I tried this, which a friend evangelically advocated. It’s the duck’s nuts. She’s not slept elsewhere since. It’s on an incline for her reflux, is portable, gives her in-womb snugness, is safe, and I feel confident co-sleeping with it. If only I knew about this when Sonny was a newborn.”

zoe blake

2. Willby’s Wind and Colic mixture.

I mentioned on IG stories I was using Infants Friend for her wind, and dozens of women immediately contacted me saying I had to try this stuff. It definitely helps. She’s calm, and goes to sleep easily. She still has some horrid feed/gas episodes, but overall: game changer! Toot city! Marvelous!

zoe blake 2
3. Dr. Browns Options Wide-Neck Newborn bottle (with a Pigeon wideneck SS teat)

As recommended by my all-knowing midwife wizard. We use occasionally for dream feeds, and it gives a gentle, non-gulpy feed.

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Zoe’s final tongue in cheek tip was,  “Whisky on her dummy. CALM DOWN I’M JOKING IT’S JUST A JOKE. I put it straight into her bottle, obviously.”

What sneaky tips would you suggest to parents struggling with a windy baby?

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Image via Instagram

  • my child nurse taught me some exercises and i remember doing the bicycle movement which helps them out a lot. Youtube will probably have some exercises to try out there


  • every bub is different so these tips are fab


  • Tips are always good to remind people. Sometimes a non slept mum or dad might be too tired to remember.


  • Try not to let your baby cry too much before feeding. When they cry they gulp air which becomes wind. You could try raising the head of the bassinet or crib a little bit. …or even the cot. Put your baby down with his/her feet at the lower end of the cot. In severe cases you may need special prescription medication. i know one baby who was rushed to hospital on more than one occasion as he started gasping for breath and started to go blue around his mouth.


  • Always good to share our experiences with each other !


  • God tips are always useful, especially when they are contemporary. She seems like a good mum.


  • I love how Zoe shares advice. Most of my friends are long past the baby toddler stage so its nice to have someone who shares independent advice about what they have found works. Love your work Zoe!


  • Great that you are passing on your tried and true tips, I sure they will help some moms. And oh Zoe you are as Hilarious as your better half re: Joke at end.
    All the very best to you all.

    • Such a fun and witty article with good tips and it made me smile too. 🙂


  • She seems like such a good mum.


  • As a mum avoid food make the problem


  • Always helpful to pass on tips that work for bubs – gas/wind is awful.


  • as a parent you will never know all the tricks but listening to advice of others can help wven if that just rules out things that don’t work


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