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The boss in on your case, your husband forgot to unclog the sink (again), your son just told you about a book report that is due tomorrow and the whole family is asking, “When will dinner be ready?”

You are STRESSED and you need a little time for yourself. You deserve it!

Even in just a few minutes, these suggestions will have you feeling better. It’s a good thing too…that dirty laundry isn’t going to do itself.

1. Hold a tea party…for one

By getting up just a little earlier in the morning, you can change the tone of your whole day.

Before the rest of the family rises and the chaos begins, enjoy a nice cup of your favourite tea or coffee. Compliment it with a fresh pastry for those super stressful days (like Monday, or parent-teacher conference day).

2. Indulge yourself

Enjoy a special treat that’s just for you. It might be a chocolate bar, a bowl of ooey gooey ice cream or a fruit smoothie.

Wait for everyone else to go to bed so you don’t hear the nagging question, “Can I have some?” This is your moment, they get treats all of the time.

3. Write it down

Writing is therapeutic. Start a journal and keep track of your ups and downs.

When a rough moment has passed, you can read about it later and chuckle. Did I really forget to pick up Annie at school? I swear I fed that goldfish.

As you review, be encouraged by all that you have tackled and lived through to tell the story.

4. Keep cool

Lay down on the couch, put slices of cool cucumbers over your eyes and BREATHE.

Ask your husband to take the kids to the shops. Or, if they are older, ask them to play in their rooms for just a little bit or send them outside to play.

Try to clear your mind and just focus on long, slow, deep breaths.

5. Soak the barking dogs

You have been on your feet all day and they are aching!

Take a couple of minutes to soak those poor things in some warm water. Add ¾ cup Epsom salts and a few peppermint tea bags for a refreshing, soothing soak that will put those dogs at ease.

When you are done, put on some comfy slippers and come back to reality. That laundry is still waiting…

Do you have any little pampering ideas to add to this list? SHARE with us in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • My version of a pamper takes a little longer than 5 mins. If I can have a nice bath, put on a hair mask, face mask, light a candle, grab the portable speaker and some ice water and just soak away for a while I’m in heaven. But if I don’t have that much time to myself, a quick foot soak and sugar scrub of the tootsie’s is just fine.


  • A tea party for one, I’m onboard with that for some time out (to myself!)


  • I LOVE to read a good book!


  • My self pampering is to take 5 minutes just doing something I love. Sometimes I go overboard and actually take enough time out to watch a DVD :0 shocking I know…..and rare!


  • That’s cool! This is interesting! Thank you for sharing this!


  • Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been so stressed out lately I really need some new relaxation tips. Thanx again!


  • Oh yes …. I absolutely love this article !!
    Being a Mum of 5 children, this will come in very handy for me. Thankyou 🙂


  • I use op shopping. Its amazing how time out and finding cherished items is beauty theraphy

    • yes i love shopping as well. lol great me time


  • Love to get up early and enjoy quiet time, i get the most done in these times, the washing machine is usually on the spin cycle at alarm clock time, lol.


  • fantastic ideas thank you:)


  • Nice to introduce concept of quick little 5 minute relaxation tips. Sometimes it’s easy not to bother when you feel you don’t have a long time available for relaxation.


  • Love the cucumbers idea 🙂 goes down well with a wine in the other hand.


  • sounds awesome and looks great


  • tea party for one is just essential isnt it!


  • sound great


  • I started writting on my recent trip to Thailand, I started a journal but with a newborn it’s impossible to find the time 🙁


  • Go to the library with the kids (yes libraries are the new fun place to be!) and pick up a chiclit for yourself. Something that will make you laugh or cry or both and take 30 mins a day (or more! no – don’t feel guilty!) to read. A great way to feel alive without spending any money.


  • It’s nice to get up a bit earlier than the rest of the family and enjoy some tie alone.


  • Not that I have many tips of my own.. I will definitely try some of yours though!


  • Nice ideas will try soon.


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