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Note :
Some people say you should hang the horseshoe with the ends – the heels – pointing up so the good luck it brings won't drain out. Others say the heels should be pointing down so the good luck falls on anybody passing through the doorway.
The way the horseshoe is hung and displayed varies. Some regions of the world believe that hanging the horseshoe in an upward position (“U”) holds in all the good luck and the powers it brings. For them, hanging the horseshoe upside down meant that its powers would fall away and dissipate.
In pasted times:
It was believed that the primitive goblins feared the metal weapons of their enemies, and were therefore afraid of iron . To ward off goblins and evil spirits from their homes, the people hung iron horseshoes over their front doors.
- 1 horse shoe, (new or old the choice is yours)
- craft paints (various colours)
- estapol
- Paint the horse shoe in the colour of your choice.
- Once the paint is dry, let your creative juices flow and paint your pattern/design onto the horse shoe in a colourful or pastel explosion.
- When art work is dry, paint over with a coat of estapol.
- Now simply nail to the house entrance and stand back and admire your work whilst whispering a good luck blessing.
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