

9 Comment

Remember back to when we were kids and we had no iphones or ipads to play with and if we said we were bored we were told to go outside and play?

Fast forward to today and many kids rarely get bored as they are too busy. Well it turns out that we shouldn’t be constantly entertaining our kids and that being bored actually helps them.

I make sure not to over schedule my kids and they certainly have plenty of time to play their own games which is important to me as a Mum.

Do you give your kids time to just play?

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Image credit: YouTube

  • Pity the video has been removed.

    I see so many kids that have every second of their time organised. Stands to reason that when they reach their teenage years or adulthood they cant cope because they have no idea how to deal with life.


  • Completely agree that we need to give our kids to play by themselves and to imagine what they can come up with.I balance play time with my kids from playing with them at the park, allowing them to play alone and create and 10mins on the ipad has today kids are reading,definitely learning through technology.Balance is the key for my kids.


  • Yes play is very important during childhood.


  • I agree, kids need to be bored to learn how to create and use their imagination. My son used to h ave a jar for when he was bored. It has a list of things in it where he would pull one out when he was bored and expected to give it a go. I just remind him to use his imagination, too.


  • It’s while a child is bored that they come up with imaginative things to do – that’s when their playtime is best.


  • Time to sit and think and come up with creative ideas is a good thing.


  • When you are bored that’s when your imagination takes over.


  • I actively encourage my kids to down tablets, turn the tv off, stop gaming and to make up a game – i love that it lets them combine characters from shows or games they like, with settings from other things they like and then they can be who ever they want. – Love listening to what my girls come up with.

    • I agree – technology free time is a good thing and everyone needs quiet time and time to think and create.


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