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After years of speculation, Emma “Wiggle” Watkins has finally confessed to her fans whether her gorgeous red hair on the popular children’s show is a wig or her own locks.

Shock! Horror!

Watkins has admitted that her character, Emma Wiggle, does actually wear a wig!

“I’m about to confirm that I do wear a wig in The Wiggles show! There’s been lots of chat on all different forums about whether it is my real hair or not,” Watkins told Allure.

“Initially at the beginning, I was using my own hair and that’s why it was quite confusing. Especially when people were watching my first season, compared to the second one.

“So yes, I do wear a wig and I don’t just have one, I have about four wigs now. Some for touring, some for filming overseas, [and] one at home all the time, just in case.”

Why The Wig?

Watkins explained that “children love consistency… they love knowing what’s going to happen.” So she said it was getting difficult to recreate her signature look – ginger pigtails, a big yellow hair bow, and simple makeup.

“After about a year and a half, my hair started to fall out because I was parting it in the same place everyday. That’s why I invested in a good wig. It is so much easier, and it gives a sense of consistency to the character, Emma Wiggle,” Watkins said.

New Love

In other news, Watkins has also shared that she is romantically involved with The Wiggles’ musician Oliver Brian.

“Yes, I’m in love and I feel very excited to tell you,” Watkins confided to Stellar. “I haven’t actually told anybody because it’s new, but I feel happy. He’s very opposite to me.

“He’s a very calm and thoughtful person and I’ve always been interested in his mind and his take on life, and his morals. He loves talking about the environment and food production. It’s not very ‘Wiggly’, but it’s been nice for me to talk about things not just concerning ourselves, but people everywhere around the world.”

Are you surprised that Emma wears a wig? And are you disappointed that she has officially moved on from Lachy? Tell us in the comments below.

  • That’s a good quality wig. Super shiny.
    It was sad to hear Emma and Lachy separated but they have both moved on and seem Happy


  • I’d never thought she wore a wig but makes sense! Also never knew she was involved with Lachy


  • Good on her go the wig! It’s absolutely elegant and very natural. She made her signature look and it would be so hard to upkeep.


  • I never paid that much attention to her hair but my mum did mention she thought it was a wig!
    Good spot, mum.


  • I knew it was a wig you can really tell it is


  • You could tell earlier in the shows her hair was getting ruined from dying it to keep the same colour ! I think it’s a brilliant idea she uses a wig ! You can’t tell it’s one entirely anyway!


  • I can only imagine how damaging that constant colouring was doing to her hair. You can see it in the earlier shows. And the wig is flawless, most people would never know. Good on you Emma, you’re a class act


  • Kids also need to learn change and they get hair cuts and so do their world… I dunno I just think kids are catered for to be soft that they can’t handle the change in hairstyle now??? I dunno seems silly to me


  • I had no idea that anyone actually cared or paid much attention to this!


  • I understand wanting to have her character consistent for the kids. At least if she wants a change for her as a person she can and just put the dog in to transform back into Emma.


  • That’s no surprise. In one song she plays four different sisters and has 4 different hair styles and colours. None of which would have worked if that was her natural hair! I’m not a wiggles fan and I picked up on that in one of the short moments wiggles was actually on in my house.


  • Definitely not surprised and to be honest i dont care either way. My kids dont care either…each to their own! As long as she is happy thats all that matters.


  • Obviously! But her reasons make perfect sense.


  • Good on her- she’s happy! As for the wig, it doesn’t it look great!!


  • I had no idea she wore a wig!


  • She looks beautiful and kids love her.


  • She had me tricked 🙂


  • It doesn’t matter either way if she does or doesn’t, they are very natural looking wigs, and at least her real hair is staying in good condition from not being contestantly styled


  • Why would it matter if she wears a wig? I assumed she did because her hair was perfect. No judgements here.


  • I’ve known about the wig for a while, but it looks so very natural that I sometimes forget! Gorgeous lady. She’s definitely my favourite Wiggle =D


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