
A massively controversial social media post is urging an online group of dads to take part in a co-ordinated strike to abduct their children on the same day.

Domestic Violence Against Men, a group with 19,000 members, has published a call to dads to “grab their kids” on 1 December and take them to another state.

If they were all to do this on the same day, this would then reduce the ability of police to take action

“On the 1st of December every father must grab their kids & run to another state, then report the mother for sexual abuse, ” read the post.

Fathers were instructed to take the kids as far as they could and also shouldn’t hesitate to make false claims about the mother, as reported in news.com.au.

“We are going to make headlines no matter what it takes, no one gives a shite about how we are affected or why we #suicide,” he said.

“Truth is, no father has it in them to take a child away from a mother yet a mother will do it & doesn’t give a …. who it effects.”

Domestic Violence Men groups urges dads to abduct kids

A Group For Victims To Vent

The group is a platform for male victims of domestic violence and was started in the hope that its members would use the site to vent their frustrations rather than commit suicide.

The administrator of the page says that he, himself is a victim of domestic violence and claims he has been falsely accused of committing domestic violence.

An Australian Federal Police spokesperson has responded to the post, saying that they were aware of a number of groups that advocated for all sides of family law matters.

“The AFP encourages all parties to resolve Family Law issues in accordance with the best interests of the children involved and the law,” she said.

Domestic Violence Men groups urges dads to abduct kids

Domestic Violence Support Lines:
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Lifeline on 13 11 14

What do you think about this call to action? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • Such a sad circumstance on either side


  • There are no winners here, least of all the children caught up in the middle. Sad to hear.


  • People need to focus on advocating what is best for the children and helping people who have been unfairly isolated from their children rather than trying to get back at ex partners regardless of gender.


  • What an absolute travisty or society is if this is what people feel like they have to resort to. Shame shame shame


  • This is so wrong. It’s giving a false message that it’s okay to kidnap your children. Hope no-one goes through with it.

    • Exactly my thoughts. It’s such a silly message to be sending out to people.


  • Disgusting. Anyone in their right mind would ignore the this ridiculous message.


  • Not sure that this action will be helpful overall although it might feel good at the time. Such a pity that law courts always side with the woman and don’t take into mind the physical abuse some husbands suffer at the hands of their wives.


  • yeah like thats really going to help you get your children.


  • That’s ridiculous!!


  • Not a good call, making false accusations is never a good thing. But I can understand how going trough a situation like this can drive you to do such thing as it’s often motivated by injustice. Desperate people can do desperate things.


  • This is really scary for the children and mum’s, another example how the internet can be a dangerous place, this would not happen in the days before social media/internet access.


  • This is shocking.


  • Gee that’s a bit much.


  • This is just awful and very harmful and disruptive to the children.


  • What is the world coming to? I just get super stressed when i read things like these.


  • Making false claims is not okay and delegitimizes the claims that are actually real.


  • I agree with you 100% Heidi.


  • What is this really happening I don’t believe it honestly


  • This group is not thinking about the children at all. Very, very irresponsible.


  • You can’t just go around and make false accusations. What a terrible idea.


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