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Doing fun indoor and outdoor activities during the autumn season can be a way for families to build memories together, stay in shape and better communicate with each other.

Fitness activities are not only good for adults but also benefit children. They can help to prevent childhood obesity and promote overall healthier lifestyles.

Parents want their children to start out being healthy early in life and they can be part of the process if they do simple things to get their kids off the couch. If activities are fun enough, children don’t even realise they are exercising.

Family walks and bike rides

Family walks and bike rides can allow families to explore their neighbourhoods, meet their neighbours and see the sights while also getting exercise.

If they have dogs, families can include their pets in on the fun. As the weather gets colder in autumn, they will want to bundle up in warmer jackets, hats and gloves.

More adventurous families may want to take their bikes to a local park or riding trails for a more challenging ride.

Most cities have local, state or national walking paths or hiking trails for beginning-level or more advanced hikers. Families going on longer hikes want pack water, food, GPS systems or compasses, extra clothing and other necessity items, based on the length of their hikes.


Sport not only gets parents and children outside together but also promotes sportsmanship, teamwork and a strong work ethic in people of all ages.

In the autumn, families can play a number of sports together, including football, baseball, basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, badminton and croquet. Playing sports together can mean something as simple as throwing a football or baseball together, playing horse in the driveway or going to a local tennis court or golf course.

Parents with young children can get their youngsters interested in sports by playing catch or shooting hoops with them from an early age.

Outdoor games and activities

Family fun outdoor activities are a great way for families to connect with each other.

The activities can be as simple as taking a child to the park to play on the playground equipment. Many families like to play interactive games such as Hide-and-Seek, Tag, Simon Says and Mother May I?

These activities have simple guidelines but teach children the importance of following the rules early in life. Families don’t need to stick to pre-existing games. They can use household items to make up their own fun outdoor activities.

Household chore fun

Family fun in the autumn doesn’t have to be confined to the outdoors. Families can have a lot of fun indoors, even doing mundane household activities.

Parents can find ways to make household chores fun for themselves and their children. Transforming household chores can involve simple ideas such as throwing laundry into the basket like a basketball, putting together a scavenger hunt, doing matching activities with socks, timing chores to make them more competitive or singing while doing chores.

Dancing fun

Dancing in the home can allow children and parents to build a greater bond and let loose together.

Many parents start early by dancing with their babies to help them get to sleep. They can continue this tradition by putting on music in the house or even getting up during commercials to dance with their children.

Older children may find dancing to be silly, but younger children inevitably will join in on the dancing if they see their parents getting their groove on.

What fun things do you do together as a family to keep active, please share in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • I have never been a super sporty person but I found that it was awesome to go for evening walks with my daughters as that was when they would tell me about their day and i would hear stories that I otherwise wouldnt have heard.


  • Fit children come from fit parents – playing together, hiking, riding – that’s the way to go.


  • Good tips. We love walking and biking and go to playgrounds and parks a lot. The kids love to kick a ball in the garden as well and here and there we do a game of badminton.


  • I don’t drive a car by choice, so we walk everywhere where possible of course. I make our walks fun and interesting telling stories about childhood, talking about the houses, trees, flowers etc we see along the way. We all love our walks and thankfully, (I guess due to my not driving) they are all amazing walkers and never complain they are tired, and I make them walk everywhere. If these is a bus-we walk, unless the weather is terrible or it’s too far.


  • It is such a busy time once football starts back, with training twice a week and weekend games. It’s more supporting my son as he participates in these and his Dad helps with coaching on the same nights/days. It’s hard to do more as a family as we run out of time. My time is solo with morning walks and weekly yoga.


  • We love to dance and sing.


  • We already do all that. After school and weekends and school holidays, you’ll always find us out and about doing something


  • That’s interesting! Thanks for sharing this!


  • My children love outdoor activities so much.


  • Outdoor play is a great way to keep fit and stay active,


  • We love going for bike rides together as a family. Love rugging up and going for walks down the beach too.


  • I can’t wait for winter to be over and spring to arrive.


  • Autumn is such a joyous time of year – crunch of autumn leaves and brisk air… Love this time of year


  • making household chore fun is something i teach my kids!


  • I looove crazy dancing


  • l really love reading these it s so greet


  • love reading these


  • Great ideas! We live in the country and have family bush walks even though my bub is only 9 months. We also have dancing time in the arvo, a good wiggle to humpty dumpty:)


  • Thanks for sharing. I love spending time with my family out in the sunshine. This is a great article!


  • ha ha household chore fun…. love it!


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