

Easter is just around the corner, and while it is exciting having the kids home from school and hyped up on chocolate, entertaining them for days on end can also become stressful when you factor in everything else you need to do in your day as well.

Thankfully there is a way to get them to burn their energy and get them off screens, while you can enjoy some quiet time to reset and recharge. Win-Win!

We love the idea of our kids tackling an indoor obstacle course and many Ninja-warrior style centres run school holidays programs, to keep them active for hours.

Here are 5 reasons why we are loving the idea of an obstacle course for kids.

They get to channel their inner Ninja Warrior

Kids love to play “make-believe” and there is no doubt that the famous TV show Ninja Warrior has probably entered the minds and hearts of many of our kids and their inspiration for playtime. However it no longer has to be in their imagination, they can now swing, jump, dive and climb over the obstacles themselves as the course is suitable for anyone from the ages of 3- up.

Keeps them active and burns some energy

Between lockdowns last year, the TV and video games capturing their attention, and sitting for much of the day at school, any opportunity to get the kids active are a good one, especially when they are this engaged as they will most likely crash right after.

The beauty of an indoor obstacle course is that there are so many different ways for the kids to move and challenge themselves. The school holiday program runs for 3 hours so they are likely to be exhausted by the time they are done.

They can get excited about challenging themselves in different ways

Setting the kids up with a challenge such as an obstacle they are struggling with, especially if they are trying to best their own performance or race a friend is a good way to encourage them to keep trying to get better at things that they don’t master the first time. It is a good life skill for them, it teaches them that not being good at something immediately doesn’t mean that they won’t enjoy the journey trying and it is a good sneaky way of keeping them active.

They can make some friends

Another great thing about a program like this is that it gives them 3 hours to meet new kids, learn from them, practice socialising with kids outside of school which can be an enriching experience

It gives you some time to do what you want to do

Best of all, it is supervised so you can relax and read a book, go shopping or chill at home for 3 hours while they play

Ninja Parc is an indoor obstacle course based at several locations around Australia that runs a school holiday program that is supervised, so you drop the kids off during the operating hours and either sit back and read a book or go enjoy some time to yourself. 

Would your kids be keen on becoming a Ninja warrior and tackling an obstacle course? Tell us in the comments below. 

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  • just remember that not all kids are into physical activities. I know i wasnt as a kid


  • Ninja Warrior for kids would be great!


  • great idea, and for more cost effective measures set up an obstacle course at home, or hit a park that has some great “ninja” equipment.


  • Great idea and you can make a small obstacle course at home to challenge your kids. Thanks for sharing the idea and telling us what is there.


  • They would definitely love it as are often making up challenges at the playground and taking turns or timing each other.


  • We have the compound near us, so good


  • It sounds like a great time to have!


  • These are great fun


  • And they should sleep well after all that!


  • My kids really enjoy indoor obstacle courses.Once we had a birthday party at a place called Latitude Melbourne where it gives kids to be ninja worriers.


  • Great idea- wish they were in Tassie!


  • Obstacle courses (indoor or outdoor) are so much fun and great for the motor skills !


  • Great idea, kids these days spend too much time on technology. Even challenge me with these ideas.


  • I would have loved something like this when my son was younger. We were always on the lookout for these types of activities.


  • Sounds like a great idea.


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