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Girl’s nose bitten off by dog in Sydney’s west.

It has been reported that a five-year-old girl has had part of her nose bitten off by a dog during an attack in Sydney’s west.

Police say the young girl was bitten in the front yard of a Pendle Hill home on Thursday evening after someone known to her family brought the Bull Arab-Great Dane cross to the house.

Most of the girl’s nose was taken off during the incident and she has been taken to hospital with several cuts to her face, a police spokeswoman told AAP.

The girl is recovering at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead where she is being treated for her injuries, which are non-life threatening.

We wish her well and hope she has a speedy recovery.

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  • No matter how much you think you know an animal, they can be unpredictable. I worry for our children because they are so used to our dog being placid, that they do not perceive that some dogs can be aggressive. I hope this little girl has a speedy recovery after such a shocking incident.


  • Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery


  • Poor little darlin, there are breeds of dogs out there that just dont mix with happy bubbly kids. Lucky for this little girl that she is still alive.


  • Pet owners are not allowed to bring pets to my place without asking first. The onus is on the dog’s owner to control their dog.


  • This sort of thing should never happen.
    Dogs should be well trained. Children should never be left alone with an animal and Children need to learn how to treat animals.
    I think its so wrong of someone to take their dog to someone elses house.
    Years ago our old neighbour come over to our house with their dog. They brought the dog into our house without asking if it was ok and we had a cat which they didnt seem to take into account. My cat was eating food at the time and the dog went over to him and the cat lashed out at the dog. He scratched the dogs eye and then our neighbour became very upset and asked us to pay the vets bill…lol. We refused so after that the relationship was not a very good one as they felt we really should have paid their vet bill.


  • That poor child will be scarred for life. Kid and dogs should be watched together. Kids should not be allowed to be near dogs with food, or be allowed to push, pull or poke them. I have dogs and a child and I never leave them alone together


  • This is tragic, truely scary I hope she makes full recovery.


  • wow you know, that is really sad. that poor little girl. i don’t know, this seems to happen a lot but people seem to think that this won’t happen to them. Always watch children around animals especially if they are not the family pet.


  • Oh my! Oh my! This is awful! I hadn’t heard it yet. Poor little girl!!


  • How terrifying and horrific. Some dogs are so dangerous. I hope this animal is put down without question, and that girl and her family manage to recover from this horrid incident relatively soon. There will significant ongoing trauma.


  • I hope she recovers quickly poor thing. I hope the dog owners is held accountable for the dog’s actions.


  • How awful, it should be locked up!


  • Poor Bub – dogs should be watched at all times!!


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