There are a number of reasons why you might not want to use chemicals for cleaning around your home, not least because of the harmful effects that they can have on the environment.
If you want to introduce green cleaning into your daily routine then there are many easy ways to do this and you may find that adopting these methods can save you time and money.
Make Your Own House Cleaning Solutions
There are many things that you can find around the house that can be used to create amazing cleaning solutions including baking soda and vinegar. These cleaning solutions can be used for almost any purpose around the home. Baking soda is particularly versatile and can be used to clean ovens, remove odours from carpets and remove soap scum from baths and showers.
Clean Inside Air Naturally
If you do not want to use air fresheners in your home then there are ways that you can freshen the air naturally. If you like the smell of certain herbs then you may be surprised at the lasting effects that these can give when they are boiled. It is certainly comparable to store bought air fresheners. Having plants around your home will also help give a pleasant aroma and will also help to filter the air so it is of a higher quality.
Leave Shoes At The Door
There are all sorts of pollutants that can get into our homes on the bottom of shoes. Anything that you have come into contact with on the surfaces that you have walked on during the day can find its way on to the bottom of your shoe and into your home. By leaving all shoes at the door, you are ensuring that nothing untoward gets into your home. This eliminates the need for cleaning and for cuts down on the chemicals that may have been used for this. It also creates a safer environment for young children and pets who spend a lot of time on the floor.
Hire A Green Cleaning Company
If you do not have as much time to spend on cleaning your house as you would like, then hiring a company that specialises in green home cleaning could be the answer. A reputable company will be able to explain all the products and methods that they use so you can be sure that this fits in with the green cleaning that you are looking for. Another advantage of using a green cleaning company is that they will use trade quality products that you may not have access to yourself.
Skip The Antibacterial Cleaners
If you think that you have no choice in using cleaning products with chemicals just because they have antibacterial properties you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that this is not the case. Research by the FDA has shown that antibacterial cleaners are no more effective than simple soap and water. This means that green cleaning products, or even a solution that you have made yourself, will be just as effective at protecting your family from bacteria around the home.
How do you feel about wanting to reduce the amount of harmful chemicals in your home? Share with us below.
june11 said
- 09 Feb 2017
hopefullyheidi said
- 29 Nov 2016
mom90758 said
- 26 Nov 2016
june11 said
- 25 Nov 2016
mom160421 said
- 24 Nov 2016
mom112217 said
- 24 Nov 2016
mom70876 said
- 24 Nov 2016
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