
August 18, 2017

23 Comment

Isn’t it funny how once you become a Mum birthdays become a little … ho hum?

Certainly for me they’ve ended up that way; I have a habit of putting the kids, my hubby (and all his hobbies), the house, the savings and everything else ahead of anything I really want.

If I end up with a little something pretty, a little something useful or a little something lovely, I’m happy. But I’ve never asked for anything that’s life changing or going to make me feel completely fabulous about the way I look and feel.

Sometime soon I have a milestone birthday coming up! So I’ve decided I’m not going to hide from it – I’m going to embrace it.

And to do that I want to feel my best.

Yes I’ll do the usual about trying to lose a few kilos and get a little fitter … but in preparation for this milestone birthday I’m doing something I’ve wanted to do for close to 20 years – I’m going to get myself a big smile I’m really happy to show off to everyone!

After visiting our orthodontist and discussing my options, I’ve decided to get myself this big, confident smile with Invisalign treatment!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve haven’t been 100% happy with my smile. I have a bite that is too narrow for my face and over the years my teeth have become more and more crowded.

Of course my smile is not a complete tragedy but the fact that I don’t have the big, broad smile I’d really like is a constant companion. Especially when I’m working in front of the camera for MoM Cook Club LIVE shoots and looking at photos and videos of myself with the kids.

There’s always been two major reasons I’ve put alignment work for myself to the bottom of the pile:

1. The cost of alignment work –

Any alignment work is a considered cost and like most Mums, I can always think of loads of other things that we need. Text books, after school activities for the kids, school uniforms … it all adds up. I also put my son’s alignment work ahead of mine.

The good news is that many orthodontists offer a payment plan – so that you can pay for your alignment work in monthly installments. We did this for my son’s alignment work and it was very manageable.

I’ve also realized that over the years in an effort to feel great, I’ve probably spent far more on clothes, makeup and other treatments than my alignment work would cost. And the effect of these will be nothing compared to how great I will feel once I have a big, confident smile.

2. The thought of braces as an older person –

To be honest, given the fact that I do some work on camera for MoM Cook Club and MoM.Review, the thought of traditional braces (even the clear ones) was a turn off. Even worse was the thought of being in a business environment with a mouth full of metal.

Since having Invisalign aligners in place, I’ve really tested their promise that they are virtually invisible. Truth is – unless I tell people, they don’t even notice. So work, filming and life in general has been completely unaffected by my Invisalign aligners. My daughter Emma has had exactly the same experience; her school friends just thought her teeth looked extra clean and shiny until she made a point of mentioning her aligners were in!

There are a number of reasons why Invisalign treatment has been so easy to say yes to:

  1. There are no limits to what you can eat! With braces, you’ll find that whole crunchy fruit and veges are out – everything needs to be cut up. With Invisalign aligners all you need to do is pop them out to eat then brush your teeth and pop them back in. Easy!
  2. Invisalign aligners are so easy to keep clean – simply brush them and rinse them each time you brush your teeth and they stay clean, clear and virtually invisible
  3. You may find you’ll need less visits to the orthodontist – less time off work and school (sorry kids hee hee)
  4. Invisalign uses cutting edge technology and medical grade plastic – so no metal in your mouth and the very best treatment available
  5. The Invisalign alignment process is ‘bit by bit’ – a series of tiny movements week by week so no major adjustments.

So on the whole, Invisalign treatment is a very comfortable process. Emma and I are up to Week 8 in our treatment – we’re seeing results already but certainly not experiencing any inconvenience or major changes to our lifestyle or diet.

So in about 18 months, it’s going to be Happy Birthday to ME … I am finally free! Free to embarrass my kids with a big wide mouth belly laugh but more importantly free to look the World in the eye and give it a big, beaming, confident smile!

I believe everyone deserves the smile they’ve always wanted – no matter what birthday is coming up. 

This post was written by Nikki Hills, Founder of Mouths of Mums. After seeing the incredible difference working with an orthodontist for alignment treatment, Nikki and her daughter Emma are now both having Invisalign treatments. Find out more about how Invisalign Australia can help you or your family enjoy a big, confident smile now.

We will be bringing you a series of articles and videos over the coming months so you can follow their Invisalign journey.

For more information on an Invisalign treatment, visit www.invisalign.com.au

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Other posts in this series:

5 reasons why a visit to the orthodontist is a good idea
Wow! Who knew there was an alternative to braces we’d all love?
  • Oh I love this, you go girl. My husband and I have discussed doing the same in the near future. He was blessed with parents who got all the kids braces growing up.


  • Good on you Nikki.


  • Hi Nikki, I hope your birthday is/was/will be sweet ! Of course it’s nice to get your teeth done, but I hope that you’ll ALWAYS feel free to embarrass your kids with a big wide mouth belly laugh and feel free to look the world in the eye and give it a big, beaming, confident smile – no matter how straight and white your teeth are 😀


  • A great way to celebrate, congrats!


  • Happy Birthday Nikki,wishing you a wonderful year of good health and happiness.


  • Good on you, Nikki. I have a friend who had braces done in her 30s and I’ve seen her grow in confidence and smile more as a result. Whatever works for you. Your reasons are enough. Congratulations and looking forward to your new smile. I did love your old smile too though!!


  • Congrats Nikki, so good to see you happy !!


  • Congrats and Happy Birthday, good to do something for yourself


  • Congrats Nikki ! Have an awesome birthday and year with many big beautiful smiles 😀


  • Congratulations and Happy Birthday. I’ve been wanting it for years but I think I missed the boat. As a single parent I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford it.


  • Congratulations and Happy Birthday. Wishing you lots of enjoyable moments.


  • I always try and treat myself on my birthday. Why not?!


  • Great advertisement.


  • Wow, thanks for posting this. We are about to head down this path with our daughter,,,


  • I’ve always put my husband and boy’s before myself. Still happening and I don’t think I’ll ever change


  • Absolutely, do it! My friend had braces around the age of 30. She felt self-conscious and had low self esteem. I can’t believe the change in her smile, her confidence, her outlook. I agree, as Mums we always put everyone else first. Good for you. do it!!


  • I’m in my late 30s and considering booking a consult. I have been trying to find instagram and blogs that show the journey but finding it hard to find stories!

    Love to see your journey! Or maybe I should be posting mine ! ????


  • Isn’t it wondeful to put yourself first on a rare occasion? Financially the children always come first. You may be wearing underwear with holes in it because your children have grown out of their clothes and need more even if you visit an op. shop. Sometimes you can find brand new clothes with original tags still on them. Perhaps the person they were originally bought for didn’t like them.


  • Good luck o you. I hoe you’re happy with the results.


  • Good on you to embrace your upcoming milestone birthday, hope it will be a happy one !
    Feeling happy with yourself is a great gift to yourself and those who surround you ! Hope this dental work you’ve dreamed for a long time about will give you the result and confidence you expect Nikki & Emma !


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