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Our home would not be complete without our two energetic fluffballs that are more like four-legged humans than dogs. But boy, do they shed. There is dog hair and muddy paw prints everywhere and it feels like I am always cleaning. So if you too have animals in your house, listen up, as I am the expert in keeping your home (especially your floors) clean with dogs.

Create a Hangout for Your Dog

Dedicate an area of your home for your pooch and this will eventually become their area to hang out in. Buy an easy-to-clean doggie bed and add some toys and you’ll be creating a little haven for your pet. The aim here is for the hair and dirt to be confined to the dog’s little patch.

Give Your Dog A Clean After A Walk

Your dog is bound to pick up dirt, grime and mud while on a walk or run. My dogs love to roll in the dust so they’re often filthy after some fun play outdoors. Before you go into your house after a walk, make sure you give your pet a basic clean. Use a spray bottle to remove mud from paws and use an old towel to rub away dirt or dust.

Use The Best Products To Keep Your Floors Clean With Dogs

Your dog is invariably going to bring muddy paws into the house – especially when it’s raining. I’ve got wooden floors and tiles and have found the perfect weapon to keep floors spotless, even with grubby dogs running around. I highly recommend the Vileda Easy Wring & Clean Turbo Spin Mop that’s being currently reviewed by our members. I’m actually completely obsessed with this mop. I love that the Vileda Easy Wring & Clean Turbo Spin Mop removes over 99% of bacteria with just water so there is no need to use harsh chemicals to get a thorough clean.

This high-performance mop has super absorbent 100%-microfibre white strings, combined with red powerfibres for advanced cleaning power and superior dirt pick up.

I usually give our floors a daily once-over with my trusty Vileda mop, just to get rid of any grime and ensure that dog hair isn’t being spread around the house.

Give Your Dog A Good Brush

It’s a good idea to get into the routine of brushing your dog once a day. This gets rid of any loose hair that has been shed. I usually try and do this outside so that fur doesn’t fly all over the house.

Don’t Ignore Your Dog’s Eating Area

It’s really important to maintain the cleanliness of your dog’s eating and drinking area. Get into the habit of washing your pet’s food and water bowls once a day. This will give you an opportunity to reach for the Vileda Easy Wring & Clean Turbo Spin Mop and give the floor under the bowls a good clean.

What are your tips for how to keep floors clean with dogs? Tell us in the comments below.

We are proud to be working closely with the Vileda team to bring you this article. We love that we feel safe and clean using Vileda products and that we can rely on Vileda products for superior, thorough and effective all-round home hygiene. Vileda – It feels great to feel at home.

*The removes over 99% of bacteria claim is supported by research undertaken by an independent, accredited institute for microbiology & immunology. Find out more at www.vileda.com.au

  • We have a huge Sheepadoodle (massive fluffy teddy bear) and a little Chinese Crested Powder Puff. I do find myself doing a quick vacuum daily otherwise fluff balls the size of tumble weeds are seen blowing down the hall way. There is a great brush by re fresh that helps with the under coats.


  • Just got two dogs; great article for new pet owners


  • With spring here my cat is shedding her winter coat and it’s extreme. I feel like I need to spring-clean weekly


  • Don’t have any dogs or cats but have certainly onforwarded this particular article to family members and friends.


  • Or we could just have outside dogs?

    • Why have a pet if you’re going to force it to be in the weather all day long. The temperatures Brisbane has already hit it would be borderline cruel.


  • Awesome tips as I have 3 puggies!


  • All great tips, sadly for us, it’s winter there’s rain and there’s mud. Dogs need walks, exercise and toilet breaks. They’re out too often for washing every time


  • We’ve got a short haired Jack Russell and his fur gets on everything no matter what I do!


  • I have never had to worry about this but now have my daughter and her dog staying with me and with a new man in my life that has 2 dogs this is something I am going to have to deal with in months to come.


  • We give her a haircut. But the hair is everywhere. We keep her out of the bedrooms but sometimes we forget to close the door to the bedrooms when we go out. Even though she knows she’s not allowed in there she can’t help herself! The hair is the price we pay for having such a beautiful girl


  • Vacuum vacuum and more vacuum. And a mop here and there.


  • Thanks for the tips, it is so hard to keep the house clean when there are dogs around!


  • Something I am always noticing if someone has a dog who lives inside vs outside.


  • I have a few friends who have multiple animals and their houses really smell like dog when you walk into them. It can be quite off putting. Great to see some tips for keeping homes clean for those who have dogs etc.


  • My dog doesn’t shed at all, but… he loves to lick the tiles!!!! If something has dropped on the floor, or for no reason at all, I can see his lick marks. It freaks me out a little.


  • I’m lucky that my dog doesn’t shed but she does bring in a lot of grass and dirt. I don’t mind though because it’s easy enough just to throw the bedding in the wash and to give the floors a quick once over with my Koh mop. My Robovac takes care of the dirt and grass so I get to spend more time with her to relax and play


  • I turn our ceiling fans on their highest settings before I sweep. This clears all the fluff bunnies (cat and dog hair) out from under our furniture. It makes it easier to clean up.


  • It’s a tough job keeping things clean with kids and pets. Don’t sweat the small stuff, a bit of mess never killed anyone


  • It’s definitely a non stop job to clean floors when you have a dog. It’s relentless


  • Found this article quite Interesting.


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