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Is it ok to be brutally honest with your friend if you dislike the name they gave their child? Apparently, this woman thinks it is.

The 21-year-old took to a forum to ask if she was in the wrong for telling her 22-year-old friend Loreen what she really thinks of the name she gave her daughter.

“We have been friends for 17 years now and we’re really close,” she explained. “She recently gave birth to her daughter and her and her husband told us the name.

“They decided to name their daughter Ghiuliyette (pronounced Juliet) and her middle name is Mahriya.

“I thought the spelling was a joke, until she told me they are serious. I told her, that with that spelling of a simple but beautiful name is just going to ruin that little girl’s life. She got mad and told me to stop ruining her mood and that I’m being mean.”

The friend says she doesn’t think she did anything wrong by sharing her opinion on the name of the baby girl, who is also her goddaughter. So she decided to once again let her know she thinks the name is a bad idea.

“I’m completely honest. The spelling is just bad. Nothing else can explain it. Why ruin such a beautiful name by including letters that don’t belong there?”

“I texted her yesterday and told her that the little girl will try to change her name or at least go by her middle name since it’s normal. She told me to stop texting her, that I’m a bad friend and that I’m being the a**hole for making fun of the name. I don’t think I am. When I told her that the spelling is just bad, she went crazy.

“She told me that I’m the worst friend ever and that I would never be able to see her daughter again. After that, her husband sent me an email, telling me to stop being so disrespectful. He thinks the spelling is cute and it just makes her unique.

“Unique-yes. But that’s just going to make that little girl suffer and she will probably be bullied for that spelling. I haven’t replied and honestly I don’t think I’m the a**hole here.

“So, am I the a**hole for telling my friend that the name she gave her daughter is bad and will ruin her life?”

Share your opinion in the comments below!

  • I’ve never been a fan of weird spellings of beautiful names. This one is quite ridiculous.


  • Ok that’s certainly some interesting spelling. I read the name as “Ghouly.???” Considering the word ghoul means monster I am finding it an odd choice for the parents. Very weird way to spell Juliet. While i don’t think the spelling will ruin her life, she is sure to get a boat load of ‘how do i pronounce your name’ and people calling her the wrong name due to the spelling. Is there some sort of ethnic background which has inspired the name? I could sort of make sense of it from that point of view, but otherwise it does seem a little over the top to be different. Each to their own though.. I am considering a name for my next baby on the way but unsure if i want to spell it the regular way or an alternative way. At the end of the day it’s the parents choice and if they are both happy with it that’s all that matters. If the child does hate it (which i doubt they will, those i know who have legally changed there name had a very normal name and only wanted to change the name due to neglectful parents who chose it) they can change it later or talk to their parents about it when the time comes.


  • Do you really think that the spelling a a name can ruin one’s life ??


  • I agree that the spelling is ridiculous (I thought it was pronounced Gilliett from the spelling) but it’s not up to you to say anything. You should have just said something along the lines of being hard to spell. Now you may have lost your best friend just over some spelling. I hope you can patch it up with her but I have my doubts


  • no, it doesn’t even look like Juliet unless you are told that
    A better choice would be Juliet from a different origin
    -Giulietta (Italian)
    -Juliette (French)
    -Julia (German)


  • While I think the spelling of an otherwise name is ridiculous, I also feel it wasn”t your place to say anything


  • Sorry, but in this instance, you need to keep your opinion to yourself. Yes, that girl will have to spell her name for the rest of her life but, it’s a name both parents chose for their baby. Their baby. And you can have all the opinions you like, but best not to share them.


  • A lack of emotionally intelligence all round here. Ultimately unless asked for an opinion, best not to provide one. However, if you’re taking the roll of being a God Parent seriously, you should be looking out for your God Child! But you provided an unsolicited opinion, it was not welcome, so leave it at that.


  • If the person that had the baby was really friends with the author of the letter she would know she wasn’t deliberately being mean. She would know that she is trying to stop her child for being ridiculed because of the spelling. I couldn’t work out that it was supposed to be Juliet by the spelling. It truly looks like a group of letter thrown together. No she isn’t the a***ole


  • I thought mad cow disease was finished but here it raises its ugly head again. Those parent don’t deserve a child this is assault.


  • I just wrote the name Ghiuliyette on a piece of paper and asked other female friends to see if they could pronounce the name. None came back with Juliet. It will forever be mis-pronounced and mis-spelt. It isn’t as though they have joined two names to make it unique. Could have approached the spelling with the parents, in a more subtle round about way. However parents all over the world are after a way to make their child unique, this is just one.


  • If you want to stay friends it’s probably not the best thing to say even if it is true. People really need to stop getting creative with spelling. It’s just silly and that child is going to get over trying to spell her name and teach others how to spell it. Even the middle name is weird. I’m assuming that’s pronounced Mariah…


  • I wouldn’t ever say something like this even though I thought it. It wouldn’t be my business and unless I was pushed to make a comment I wouldn’t. Personally I think the spelling is quite ghoulish and I would feel so sorry not only for the child, but for every teacher, employer, and friend she makes along her way. Somehow I feel she will be changing her name at the earliest possible chance. But that again is between her and her parents.


  • I wonder about how she delivered her opinion on the spelling. Doesn’t sound like there was any tact involved.


  • There’s nothing wrong with have unusual spelling of names but this new mum is taking it a little too far. .
    Her whole life she will have people not being able to pronounce it..
    Juliet is a beautiful name so why ruin it with random letters….
    Oh well, each to their own


  • As a parent of two adult daughters I can tell you unique names and spelling do not matter, as her friend you should have respected their choice as her parents and I think saying it twice just dug your hole deeper. I’m sorry but also as a counsellor there’s was nothing supportive about what you said and I would not want someone to be my child’s godparent who hates their name for any reason. A true friend support, they don’t tell their opinion unless they are asked. It’s a gorgeous name with unique spelling why does it effect you so much?


  • Truly not her business – she should have just kept quiet with her thoughts.


  • Maybe not ruined her life, but certainly made it a lot harder.


  • The spelling is just crazy, that poor child has to grow up trying to spell that beautiful name. Im sure she will struggle with it always having to spell it to people and have them question her.


  • I think she’s being a bad friend by reacting this way to your opinion.
    After all, the spelling is absolutely terrible, and I think you had the best interest of the babies future in your intentions, however the parents are too busy trying to make a show out of an ordinary name.
    If they want a unique name, maybe they should simply find a unique name, instead of transforming an ordinary name into bad spelling.


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