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Celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver, has been criticised for holding his six-month-old son, River Rocket, while cooking.

Hold the phone. Little River is six months old already? WOW! That’s crazy.

Many of Jamie’s fans are up in arms claiming that a recent image he shared with his baby boy is actually quite dangerous and he is putting River at risk of being scalded by fat.

He captioned the photograph, which was posted on social media: ‘Gotta start them young!….. bless baby River he’s so fascinated by the cooking.’

One worried fan warned the father-of-five: ‘I once had an awful experience doing just that with my little girl.’

Another said: ‘So adorable. But PLEASE don’t hold your baby near the stove’, while a third branded the chef ‘irresponsible’.

Another wrote: “Even though you are more than an experienced chef Jamie, be careful… Cooking with a baby is one of the most dangerous things to do. My friend had an accident with boiling water while holding her baby girl. Luckily they were both fine later…”

Another commented: “Yeah handling a baby and a frying pan at the same time is always the way to go.”

Parenting expert Sue Atkins cautioned: ‘It’s a cute picture but underneath it there are some dangers. What if the pan suddenly started spitting?’, reports Daily Mail.

Do you think he is putting little River at risk?

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  • well he is an EXPERIENCED chef after all so maybe he knows what he is doing. I wouldn’t take the risk but i am just a cook who is also an over cautious mother lol


  • It does pay to be careful. Things go wrong so so quickly.


  • I always turn to the side so that the child is facing away from the stove. But only when it was some that I could do one handed and safely


  • Probably wasn’t ideal but it isn’t that bad either.


  • I am 50 -50 on this. so many are sticking up for Jamie but surely some of the people that have put up a slightly negative post are simply putting the tots best interest at heart, accidents happen even if he is an experienced chef.
    Personally I was at a friends restaurant when one of the chefs cut off part of his finger ..no he did not want to add extra meat to the dish ..it was just an accident …should it have not happened in the first place well hello yes but sometimes things happen and we are lost to know why.


  • What a load of crock.

    I held each of my three kids while I cooked. If I didnt then the family would have starved.
    You know its great to see a Dad cook and fantastic to see a Dad take care of the baby. My husband did neither. There is no way I would ever bitch about a man doing either of those things. If he was dangling the baby over a deep fryer then bitch away.
    I honestly think that there are people that get up in the morning and say “wonder what I can find to act all superior over today”…they spend their time actually looking for things to get on their high horse over.


  • Give the guy a break… he knows what he is about. I’m married to a chef – he did the same & bub was fine… all precautions taken.


  • The act of criticizing; to judge as a critic; to find fault; to blame or condemn…it’s so negative ! not only for the receiver, also for the giver of critic.
    I think the critical spirit is one of negativity, insecurity and immaturity.
    Jamie has 5 children and quite a bit of experience to be a dad, give him a break !


  • I’m sure that Jamie knows how to handle his kitchen better than all of us will ever do. He doesn’t burn himself so he would make sure with No. 5 that he isn’t in harm’s way either.


  • People need to stop being so judgemental. Judging him over that is just so over the top and stupid. He is a professional chef for crying out loud – I think he knows what he’s doing in the kitchen and that River would not have been in harms way. Also it’s good for kids to see what you are doing and participate. I have allowed my daughter to peel vegies since about the age of 2.5- yes she may have nicked her finger a couple of times but nothing serious and it’s a learning experience. she is now 4 and has actually gotten pretty good at it.


  • First of all it depends on what he’s cooking, it may not be something that spits and splashes. Another thing is a lot of times the photo doesn’t represent the true facts. All I can say is just be careful Jamie.


  • It depends on what your cooking if it spits or not, so people are making a lot of assumptions


  • He is a professional chef with a bunch of children. I think he knows a little bit about what he’s doing. A mini chef in the making!!


  • I’m sure he knew what he was doing.


  • Oh to be a perfect parent!!!! How many busy parents have cooked with either a child on one’s hip or in a sling??? Stop the trolling people….sure there are risks with everything, BUT sometimes life gets in the way and one simply must get on with it the best one can.

    • Absolutely – trolling and nasty comments are just so boring too.


  • There seems to be so much over reaction on social media over photos and so much judgment. Many mums and dads get on with chores and their days and care for their children.


  • no.


  • You don’t always if what you are cooking suddenly starts “spitting”. What’s the person cooking supposed to do? Put the baby on the floor away from it in a split second. There is also the risk from the steam. A baby’s skin is a lot more sensitive than an adult’s is.


  • accidents can happen anytime, I could be carrying my bub and trip over the pattern on the carpet


  • Too much commentary on what others are doing (oops does this count?)


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